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Prevention Institute

June 4th, 2012

In Support of NYC’s Plan to Cap the Serving Size of Sugary Drinks

Last Wednesday, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg took a strong step towards creating a safer and healthier food environment by capping the serving size of sugary drinks at 16 ounces. “This is a battle over who gets to shape our food environment and the health of our children,” writes Prevention Institute’s Executive Director Larry Cohen in his latest Huffington Post in support of the proposal. 

Major segments of the food and beverage industry relentlessly market the least healthy foods in supersize volumes. This has created a food environment that PI Advisory Board Member Kelly Brownell describes as “powerful, pernicious and predatory." New York City’s decisive step is a sign that families and communities have had enough and are ready to reassume control over the safety and healthfulness of their communities. As Larry writes, “New York City's leadership will inspire hope—and future action—in places where the political will to make these sorts of common sense changes does not yet exist. It protects the health of New Yorkers and builds momentum for the rest of us.” It’s all part of a growing national movement that supports community wellbeing, not Big Food’s profits. “The tide has turned against soda,” Larry writes, which is good news for the health of our communities. Read the full article now.

To learn more, watch our two minute video We're Not Buying It: Stop Junk Food Marketing to Kids, and read our studies Where's The Fruit? Fruit Content of the Most Highly-Advertised Children's Food and Beverages and Claiming Health: Front-of-Package Labeling of Children's Food. 

Read PI Advisory Board Member Marion Nestle’s thoughtful commentary in yesterday’s San Francisco Chronicle on the importance of food environments, health and government’s role “help check the excesses of food industry marketing.”

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