Strategic Alliance Newsletter
June 2012
ENACT Day 2012: Advocating for Healthy Food and Activity Environments

On May 16th, over 100 people from across the state gathered in Sacramento to participate in ENACT Day, Strategic Alliance’s annual grassroots advocacy day. ENACT Day provides participants—including parents, youth, community leaders, and health, recreation, and transportation professionals—with the skills and opportunity to actively participate in the policy-making process. Each year, ENACT-ers meet with their legislators, highlighting the urgent need for improvements to California’s nutrition and physical activity environments.
Click here for a re-cap of the day's fun, informative, and inspiring events, and get status updates for the issues featured on our ENACT Day Agenda.
Eye on Industry
The Conversation on NYC's Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Proposal
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposal to create a healthier food environment by capping sugary beverage serving sizes sparked a spate of media attention. We rounded up the media coverage and provided talking points for advocates to add their voice to the conversation in our latest Rapid Response Alert. Read our full alert here, and sign up for our Rapid Response Media Network to receive ongoing media round-ups of the latest food and activity-related news.
Physical Activity Spotlight
Fitnessgram Maintained in Governor's Spending Plan
When the Governor’s budget contained a proposal to eliminate the annual mandate for physical fitness testing in schools—also known as Fitnessgram—advocates worked hard to ensure this would not happen. What is Fitnessgram and why is it important? What is its current status? Learn more here, and find out where this critical mandate sits in the budget process.
Harold A. Goldstein awarded the Beverlee A. Myers Award for Excllence in Public Health
On April 5, Dr. Harold Goldstein, founder and executive director of the California Center for Public Health Advocacy, a Strategic Alliance Steering Committee organization, received the 2012 Beverlee A. Myers Award for Excellence in Public Health at a ceremony in Sacramento. Dr. Ron Chapman, Director of California Public Health Department, called Goldstein a visionary as he presented him the award. Congratulations, Harold!
Manal J. Aboelata awarded the "SHero" Award
On May 6, Prevention Institute’s Managing Director, Manal J. Aboelata was awarded Senator Curren D. Price, Jr.’s “SHero” Award for her leadership, volunteerism and commitment to her community. Read more here.
CPEHN's Ellen Wu and Latino Health Access's America Bracho appointed to Let's Get Healthy California Task Force
On June 11th, California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Diana S. Dooley announced the members appointed to the Let’s Get Healthy California Task Force, a group tasked with developing a 10-year plan to make Californians healthier. Strategic Alliance Steering Committee members Ellen Wu, Executive Director of California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, and America Bracho, Executive Director of Latino Health Access, were appointed Expert Advisors.
Funding Opportunity
The Convergence Partnership has just announced an RFP for the Convergence Innovation Fund. This new grantmaking initiative is designed to enhance the built environment and/or expand healthy food access in low-income communities and communities of color in order to improve health and promote equity. Applications are due Thursday, August 9, at 4 pm PST. Learn more here.
Job Opportunities
- The Safe Routes to School National Partnership has two part time positions currently open for their SoCal team, a Transportation Finance Intern and a Southern California Communications Specialist. Learn more here.
- Prevention Institute is looking for a seasoned Communications Manager who is deeply committed to improving health and safety and reducing inequities through a focus on prevention. Learn more here.
New Resources
An article examining the parallels between the soda and tobacco industries, a report on promoting physical activity in after-school programs, and summaries of successful Safe Routes to School programs are just some of the new resources that we’ve rounded up this month. Click here to read more.