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Prevention Institute

June 28th, 2012

Today’s Supreme Court Decision Supports the Health and Well-being of All Americans

“The Supreme Court has upheld the Affordable Care Act virtually in its entirety--affirming government's vital role in protecting and advancing the health and well-being of all Americans. Not only does this decision advance quality, affordable clinical care for all, but it also allows the innovations of community prevention initiatives across the country to support health and well-being, in the first place. The ability to move forward on healthcare is a critical benefit and value which serves all Americans.

The prevention provisions of health reform are affirmed by the court decision. By including prevention measures such as the Prevention and Public Health Fund and the National Prevention Strategy, the Affordable Care Act moved our country from a focus on sick care towards a system that advances health and health equity, saving money and lives. These measures have supported communities across the county in creating safe, walkable streets, promoting healthy food environments, supporting local worksite wellness, and safeguarding tobacco-free air. With prevention, we are paving the way toward a more equitable, prosperous, and healthy future for all, and are already seeing improvements in norms and environments in communities across the country.

Today is an optimistic day for our country. Health reform is here to stay—and our active engagement will make it a success. Over the last decade, we have all contributed to shifting public understanding of the causes of poor health. Health and healthcare go hand-in-hand. Studies find that quality prevention efforts show a 5-to-1 return on investment in just five years, and recent polling shows strong bi-partisan support for prevention. Now, more than ever, it is critical that we build momentum by sharing our successes and making the case for preventing illness and injury--in the first place.

True health reform means both access to affordable, high-quality care, and maintaining a focus on environments that keep people healthy and safe.

Upcoming Web Forum: SCOTUS, Health Reform & the Prevention Fund: The Road Ahead for Public Health and Community Prevention

Please join us on Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 11:30 am PST for a Dialogues4Health web forum about today’s Supreme Court decision's implications for for community prevention, and next steps for prevention advocates. Sponsors are the American Public Health Association, Prevention Institute, Trust for America’s Health, Public Health Institute, and PolicyLink. Register now.

We are also cosponsoring an APHA web forum on the general implications of today's decision for health and healthcare, held on July 5th. Details forthcoming.

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Throughout the day, we'll be tweeting examples of government-supported efforts working effectively to advance prevention and health in local communities. Tweet with us! Use #preventionworks and #ACA as hashtags to broadcast your community's prevention successes.

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t 510-444-7738 | email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org

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