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July 26, 2012

"Our hearts break for the victims of the massacre in Aurora.  We pray for those who were lost and we pray for those who loved them.  We pray for those who are recovering with courage and with hope.  And we also pray for those who succumb to the less-publicized acts of violence that plague our communities in so many cities across the country every single day.  We can't forget about that."

-President Obama (July 25, 2012)    

UNITY Updates

Learn, Explore, Connect – Upcoming UNITY Webinars
--August 8: Violence as a Public Health Issue, 10 to 11 a.m. PT/1 to 2 p.m. ET. Join Annie Lyles and Edward-Michael Muña of Prevention Institute for an introduction to the public health approach to preventing violence. Part of the California Pacific Public Health Training Center Grand Rounds, this webinar describes how a comprehensive strategy can address the root causes of violence, engage youth and communities, and create economic opportunity. Register now
--August 29: What Outcomes Should We Use? Effective Indicator Selection, 10 to 11 a.m. PT/1 to 2 p.m. ET. Choosing indicators to measure the success of your prevention efforts can be challenging. Focusing only on long-term outcomes may not fully capture your progress and impact. Join UNITY Co-Chair Billie Weiss and Paul Hsu to learn practical strategies for choosing indicators to measure your success in preventing violence. Register now.

The July UNITY webinar was at full capacity, so register for these events early to guarantee a spot. Check the UNITY Training & Events page for full details, and see the Prevention Institute calendar for a complete listing of upcoming learning opportunities.

Missed a Recent UNITY Webinar?

Listen to the recordings or download the slides:
--Measuring Success: Strategies for Effective Program Evaluation. Listen to the July 25 recording on evaluating programs that prevent violence. 
--Preventing Gang Violence in Los Angeles Through Collaboration. Listen to the March 22 recording to learn about the Community Safety Scorecard, an innovative place-based evaluation model.


A Prevention Institute initiative, UNITY is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and in part by The Kresge FoundationFor more information,

Seattle Initiative Launches New Website

Explore the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative’s new website, www.safeyouthseattle.org. As a result of the Initiative’s coordinated effort, the number of youth referred to juvenile court for violent offenses has dropped by more than 20 percent in three years. Seattle is a member of the UNITY City Network.

New Research on Protecting Youth from Violence

Preventing violence means both reducing risk for violence and promoting resilience, such as by building on existing community assets and on young people’s strengths. This Journal of Preventive Medicine special supplement features seven articles on the importance of factors that make violence less likely and protect young people from violence. Read the special supplement for research to improve local collaboration and refine your prevention strategies.

UNITY in the News

The UNITY Policy Platform was highlighted on KQED’s July 19 Forum program, as part of the “Tackling Violence in Oakland” dialogue. Listen to the recording to hear guests discuss the importance of effective collaboration and comprehensive appraoches to prevent violence. Learn more about strategic plans and partnerships using the UNITY RoadMap.       


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Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: unity@preventioninstitute.org

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