Several bills that support healthy environments have made it through the legislature and are on the Governor’s desk awaiting his signature. We urge you to take action today, and to let Governor Brown know why the issues below are critical to moving health forward in the State. Time is running out, so act fast—the Governor only has until September 30th to sign these bills! With your support, we can help California become a state that recognizes the basic human right to water, outlaws breastfeeding discrimination, improves charter school and child care nutrition, and ensures kids can walk safely to and from their neighborhood bus stop.
AB 685 (Eng): Human Right to Water recognizes that good health and water go hand-in hand, and would establish as statewide policy the basic human right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water, adequate for human use.
ACTION: Click here to send an email directly to Governor Brown, and access more information and resources from the California Center for Public Health Advocacy here.
AB 1915 (Alejo): Safe Routes to School enables rural communities to benefit from the current statewide Safe Routes to School program by supporting the creation of safe walking environments in communities where children must take a bus to get to school. This bill specifies that the California Safe Routes to School program may use funds to support infrastructure improvements to increase pedestrian safety for children walking to school bus stops.
ACTION: Visit PolicyLink's Action Center to personalize and send an email directly to Governor Brown.
AB 2386 (Allen): Breastfeeding Discrimination would make it unlawful under the California Fair Employment and Housing Act to discriminate against women for breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is universally recognized as a low-cost intervention that protects the health of mothers and babies while reducing health care costs. AB 2386 will be a significant step toward increasing acceptance of breastfeeding and protecting the civil rights of both mothers and babies to breastfeed.
ACTION: Fax or mail a letter of support to Governor Brown. Visit the California WIC Association (CWA) online to access and personalize a template letter (and be sure to fax a copy to CWA and Assemblymember Allen’s office).
AB 1872 (Alejo): Improving Child Care Nutrition closes the existing child care nutrition gap by setting the same minimum nutrition standard for foods served in licensed family day care homes as is currently required in all licensed child care centers. It also requires licensing authorities to inform all child care providers about the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). AB 1872 ensures that all children experience the benefits of healthy meals and snacks and supports child care providers' financial stability.
ACTION: Call the Governor’s office, mail one of California Food Policy Advocates’ pre-addressed postcards, or fax/e-mail a personalized letter of support today! Click here to access a template letter, sample letters of support, and a sample call-in script with all of the details you’ll need to make the case.
AB 1594 (Eng): Improving Charter School Nutrition will extend the needy-student meal requirement to California charter schools. Doing so will ensure that all low-income California public school students, whether attending a traditional public school or charter school, have access to affordable meals.
ACTION: Call the Governor’s office, mail one of California Food Policy Advocates’ pre-addressed postcards, or fax/e-mail a personalized letter of support today! Click here to access a template letter, sample letters of support, and a sample call-in script with all of the details you’ll need to make the case.
Your action on one or all of these bills will only take a minute, but the impact of these policies can play a long-lasting role in shaping healthy, equitable environments in the state. Take action today to voice your support and ensure the passage of these critical bills!