Tomorrow: NCBSL Looks for Solutions to Violence
The National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL) hosts a panel on Thursday afternoon to discuss innovative ways to reduce violence affecting youth. Part of the NBCSL annual legislative conference in Washington, D.C., the session “Youth Violence: A Matter of Public Health” features Congressman Bobby Scott and UNITY Project Director Rachel Davis.
Economic Benefits of Preventing Violence
Cities tell us they’re keen to see economic data, to better demonstrate the value of prevention. Here are three resources we’ve been reading that examine the costs and economic benefits of reducing violence:
The Economic Benefits of Reducing Violent Crime: A Case Study of 8 American Cities, by the Center for American Progress. This report includes city-specific analysis for Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Jacksonville, Philadelphia, Milwaukee and Seattle.
Violence Containment Spending in the United States, by the Institute for Economics and Peace.
- What Works in Youth Violence Prevention: A Review of the Literature, by Abigail A. Fagan and Richard F. Catalano, published in Research on Social Work Practice.
Know of other resources on the economic case for preventing violence? Email us your recommendations at
UNITY as a Top 20 Innovation to Prevent Injury
The UNITY initiative was described as one of the top 20 innovations in the field of preventing violence and injury, in the Journal of Safety Research. “UNITY has helped expand the discourse around preventing violence,” wrote Howard C. Kress and the other authors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For other innovations that prevent violence, read the journal article. The special issue also includes “Preventing Violence Against Children and Youth,” by by Andra Teten Tharp, Thomas R. Simon and Janet Saul.
A Prevention Institute initiative, UNITY is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and in part by The Kresge Foundation. For more information, visit
The New Public Health blog of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation covered one of UNITY’s sessions at the American Public Health Association annual meeting on Oct. 29. Read the blog post “Preventing Youth Violence: Updates from the Field,” which describes UNITY’s approach and the work of Cure Violence, a UNITY partner.
Need new ideas for your media campaign? Explore the Communications X-Change, a new digital library of communications resources and messages to prevent violence. Developed by Futures Without Violence, the Communications X-Change features a growing array of sample materials.
Register for the Institute of Medicine workshop on the evidence for preventing violence. Free and open to the public, this event will share the research on comprehensive approaches to reduce the impact of violence on health. For details, see the event web page.
Working in partnership to prevent violence creates new possibilities for sharing data. Learn more about the Information Sharing Certificate Program of the Center of Juvenile Justice Reform and Juvenile Law Center. Applications are due on Dec. 20.
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