Act TODAY for Safe and Healthy Community Environments--Support Safe Routes to School
In California, 27 percent of all traffic fatalities involve pedestrians and bicyclists, almost twice the national average. Programs like Safe Routes to School support community efforts to prevent injuries and promote physical activities like walking and biking. These modes of active transportation help prevent chronic diseases and reduce air pollution. Governor Brown’s proposed budget presents a key opportunity to implement MAP-21 (the federal transportation bill) in ways that will prioritize health and equity, so we need to act now.
Governor Brown’s proposed budget would create an Active Transportation Program that puts an exciting new focus on walking and bicycling projects through state investments in safety and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. We support this proposal, as we encourage the Administration to adopt the following key recommendations to ensure that the fund supports communities that need it most:
1) Increase investment in bicycling and walking for future years,
2) Include minimum guarantees for Safe Routes to School, Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation, and Recreational Trails,
3) Ensure Caltrans has adequate staff to administer the new program, and
4) Engage community-based stakeholders in shaping the Active Transportation Program, selecting future projects, and prioritizing social equity.
Join Prevention Institute, Safe Routes to School National Partnership, California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, California WALKS, Transform and many more health and transportation professionals in urging Governor Brown to make California’s proposed Active Transportation Program truly transformational, so that we can improve health and safety for all communities. Please sign the petition today (individuals and organizations are both encouraged to sign on) and help spread the word to your partners and networks!
Fresno workshop on "Promoting Health, Safety, and Equity: Creating Systematic, Strategic and Sustainable Change in the Central Valley"
Health and equity advocates and stakeholders are invited to participate in a Fresno-based workshop on February 21st, 2012 which will offer a unique opportunity for organizations and individuals to learn how to apply a primary prevention lens in order to effectively prevent chronic diseases from occurring in the first place, to hear from key experts working specifically in the Central Valley, and to engage in a dialogue with advocates of important built environment issues (Sustainable Communities Strategies, implementation of the federal transportation bill, can and trade, etc). Click here to register for this free training and forum!
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Prevention Institute
221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: