California’s Cap and Trade program is gearing up this spring. The program is largely known for setting a statewide cap on industry greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and requires companies to pay for GHGs produced. But revenues generated by Cap and Trade also provide prevention advocates with a unique opportunity to build healthier, safer and more equitable communities across California. In our just-launched California Blog, Prevention Institute's Menaka Mohan explains why now is the time to speak up and help shape the investment plan for Cap and Trade revenues to fund public health priorities:
California’s new Cap and Trade program is anticipated to generate $600 million in revenue during its first year, to fund projects that reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs). But as advocates across the state know, strategies that are good for our planet and strategies that are good for the people who live on it overlap. Projects like reliable public transit, safe places to walk and bike, and dedicated open space work double-time—cutting greenhouse gases and building healthier communities.
Bike lanes and sidewalks provide people with the opportunity to build activity into their daily lives, produce zero harmful pollutants, and encourage ways of living that are more sustainable for our planet. Neighborhoods that provide affordable housing near transit give families transportation options—and transit users not only produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions than people who drive, they’re more likely than drivers to achieve recommended daily levels of physical activity...
Read more at our new California Blog.
Strategic Alliance’s California Blog serves as a focal point for the conversation on prevention and equity in California. The California Blog will cover key state and local issues that matter to prevention advocates, including food and beverage marketing, policies that provide safe places for children to play and be active, and funding for prevention efforts in California.