We know that health isn’t something that just happens in hospitals and doctors’ offices -- and fortunately, California law has long recognized this fact. But AB 975, a bill moving through the State Assembly, would radically rewrite state law to severely limit the ability of California’s nonprofit hospitals to invest in community prevention efforts. We need you to take action TODAY -- use our simple online tool to send a letter opposing AB 975.
AB 975 would dramatically change state law governing hospital non-profit status and unfairly constrict how “charity care” and “community benefit” are defined, calculated and credited. This proposed legislation would massively curtail the range of effective, community-based initiatives to improve health and reduce healthcare costs in communities across California, especially in those that are most at risk for poor health outcomes. We can’t let this happen -- send a letter now.
Currently, California law allows hospitals to devote community benefit funds to strategies that prevent disease, save lives, and control healthcare costs. The changes proposed in AB 975 would bar funding for community-based prevention, instead directing resources toward disease management and treatment through charity care. While charity care fills a vital need in our health system, charity care is not the only health need California communities face. AB 975 would harm millions of low-income families by shifting funding away from proven strategies for keeping communities healthy in the first place.
JOIN US: Prevention Institute has submitted a letter voicing our opposition to AB 975, and we hope you will, too. Send a letter opposing the bill to the Revenue and Tax Committee ahead of the April 29th hearing to help ensure that we maintain this vital source of prevention funding in our communities. Our simple tool lets you send your message to Revenue and Tax Committee Chair Raul Bocanegra, so you can tell him directly why prevention matters for California’s health.
New resource: Strategic Alliance's California Blog
The California Blog serves as a focal point for the conversation on prevention and equity in California. The California Blog covers key state and local issues that matter to prevention advocates, including food and beverage marketing, policies that provide safe places for children to play and be active, and funding for prevention efforts in California.
Visit our website: www.preventioninstitute.org/
Prevention Institute
221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: SA@preventioninstitute.org