Toni Still Inspires Our MOVEment: Let’s Get Shaking During Instant Recess May 7
On April 23, our field lost a true leader. Dr. Antronette (Toni) Yancey died
at the age of 55, following a year-long battle with lung cancer. Toni had a larger-than-life personality and made incredible contributions to public health. She worked tirelessly to change norms around physical activity by encouraging workplaces and schools to make brief activity breaks a routine part of the day. Toni was the founder of “Instant Recess®” -- a “MOVEment of ACTIVE-ists dedicated to making America healthier 10 minutes at a time.” Click here to read more about Toni’s life and legacy, and here to learn more about Instant Recess.
Prevention Institute, along with many of our partners, will honor Toni’s memory by doing exactly what Toni would have wanted us to do – GET UP AND MOVE! We invite our friends and partners: Gather your co-workers on Tuesday, May 7 at 1 pm PDT (4 pm EDT) for a 10-minute instant recess. It’s easy -- click here and Toni and the Los Angeles Sparks will lead you and your colleagues through a brief activity break. Don’t forget to take a picture or quick video and share it with us on Facebook or Twitter! We’ll retweet and share so everyone can see #InstantRecess celebrated across the country.
Toni sent an email to colleagues earlier this year which said: “No matter how great your idea is, you're just a lone nut until someone follows you & transforms you into a leader. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for following me to start the real momentum behind Instant Recess. Now if every one of us shares this idea with others, we'll have a real MOVEment on our hands! That's my wish for the New Year -- that Instant Recess becomes an unstoppable MOVEment helping us to turn around the obesity trends in this country.”
Toni was just getting started. It’s up to us to continue the MOVEment. Please help us make Toni’s wish a reality and join us in as we honor her contributions and legacy.
Help spread the word
We need your help to get as many people as we can up and moving on Tuesday. Please forward this alert to your networks, and share on social media, too. See the sidebar for a sample post. If your organization would like to join in, please send us an email and we'll add you to the list of participating partners.