For seven years, the Childhood Obesity Conference in California has been a leading forum for advancing new ideas on how to promote healthy eating and physical activity, address inequitable access to fresh and nutritious food and develop new ideas on how to counter marketing of junk food. This year's conference begins next week in Long Beach, California, and Prevention Institute will be there in force.

We’ll share our insights on ways to curb junk-food marketing and on emerging strategies for using land-use and transportation policy to advance health. It’s all about finding new and better ways to create healthy and equitable communities. We invite you to join us for the sessions listed below.
Sharing our Stories: A Dialogue among Policy Advocates and Coalition Leaders. Partnerships, coalitions and networks are powerful tools for mobilizing collective action, bringing community issues to prominence and developing policies and practices that support equity and promote health. PI’s Manal Aboelata will share lessons from Strategic Alliance—California’s network of healthy food and physical activity advocates. Since 2001, Strategic Alliance has worked to shift public debate on food and physical activity away from an emphasis on personal responsibility toward a new focus on corporate responsibility and government oversight. Tuesday, June 18, 11 am to 12:15 pm.
Marketing Healthy Foods to Children: Do the Ends Justify the Means? As efforts mount to encourage children to consume a healthy diet, food marketers are employing new strategies to promote healthy foods. Which strategies appear most promising, and do they have unintended consequences? Get ready for a lively discussion as PI’s Leslie Mikkelsen moderates a panel debating the use of marketing strategies—such as characters that build brand awareness—to promote healthful foods to children. Tuesday, June 18, 1:45 pm to 3 pm.
Advancing Healthy Built Environments – Funder, Coalition, and State Government Perspectives. Multi-sector collaboration is an essential ingredient in developing land-use and transportation policy that fosters a healthy and sustainable built environment. PI’s Sandra Viera will explore the role of coalition- building in successful efforts to make our communities healthier. Tuesday, June 18, 4 pm to 5:15 pm.
We’re Not Buying It: Strategies for Protecting Children from Food Industry Tactics. Food and beverage companies spend $1.8 billion per year promoting products, most of them unhealthy, to children. PI’s Juliet Sims will discuss innovative messaging to help make the case for policy that limits the reach of junk-food marketing, and share “We're Not Buying It,” a PI video exposing industry deception. Wednesday, June 19, 1:30 pm to 2:45 pm.