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Strategic Alliance Action Alert: July 2, 2013

Bill to Support Community Development Moves to State Assembly

Last week, SB 1, a bill that would set up a way for local communities to fund affordable housing and other community development needs, successfully cleared the California Senate. This week the legislation, the Sustainable Communities Investment Authority, heads to the Assembly with a hearing by the Housing and Community Development Committee TOMORROW, Wednesday, July 3. 

This is a critical moment to express support for this important legislation. Email a letter of support to the committee chair, Assembly member Ed Chau (assemblymember.chau@assembly.ca.gov) or send a fax to 916-319-2149. You can download a sample letter of support here

Since California eliminated redevelopment agencies, local governments have lacked a way to generate needed resources to achieve sustainable development goals. SB 1 will address this need and promote affordable housing, compact walkable neighborhoods, and economic development for those with the greatest need, while aligning with SB 375 (the California Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act). The bill will also protect funding for schools and public safety.

Prevention Institute joins a robust group of environmental, housing, labor, and health organizations in support of SB 1 including American Lung Association of California, Western Center on Law and Poverty, Natural Resources Defense Council, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy, and California Federation of Labor.

Slipping Through the Cracks: Community Health & Safety Programs Threatened by CA Budget

In a recent blog post, Prevention Institute's Sandra Viera and Jeremy Cantor call out the new California budget's significant cuts to active transportation, sustainable community development, local public health infrastructure and safety-net clinics.

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