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Prevention Institute

Strategic Alliance Alert: August 14, 2013

ENACTing in Your Community: Ways to Continue Your Advocacy after ENACT Day

On June 5th, community advocates from up and down the state of California gathered in Sacramento for ENACT Day 2013. This annual advocacy day connects community representatives with elected officials to discuss the health issues that matter most to their communities. This year’s ENACT Day focused on policies to make California hospitals baby-friendly, establish a permanent statewide Safe Routes to School program, secure funding for safe places to play and be active, and provide nutrition training for child care providers. 

Whether or not you participated in this year’s ENACT Day, your voice matters and you don’t need to travel to Sacramento to make your voice heard. Join us for updates on ENACT Day bills and to discuss upcoming advocacy opportunities around Safe Routes to School, local and statewide soda tax proposals, and the Farm Bill:

Webinar: ENACTing in Your Community

Date: Wednesday, August 28 from 10am to 12pm

Register here!

A first-time ENACTer, Prevention Institute’s Cindy Phan, reflected on the day’s importance and the need to keep working for a healthier, more equitable California: 

What was ENACT Day 2013 to me? It is a day where I learned that we all have more power than we are aware of. With every community members’ knowledge, passions, and experiences, it is possible to advocate for environments that are healthy, safe, and ultimately the best that they can be. Change is not easy; it takes a lot of work, persistence, and drive. But, with each push, we get one step closer to our goal—a place where our families and our communities can live healthy lives. 

Questions about the webinar? Contact:

ENACT Day 2013 co-sponsors include: American Heart Association-Western State Affiliate, California Center for Public Health Advocacy, California Convergence, California Food Policy Advocates , California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, California Parks & Recreation Society, California WIC Association, Healthy Places Coalition, Joint Use Statewide Taskforce, Prevention Institute, Public Health Institute, Samuels Center, and Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food and Activity Environments

Keep the Momentum Going: CA Prevention Legislation Enters Home Stretch

We provide a round-up on prevention legislation that’s still in play in California and links to to help you make your voice heard. 

Lifting Up Local Voices: ENACT Day 2013

Prevention Institute's Linda Shak and California Convergence's Lisa Hershey reflect on one of the unique strengths of ENACT Day -- it connects local residents with elected officials on the critical health issues that matter most to them. 

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