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Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute Alert: October 24, 2013

Going to Boston for APHA? Connect with Prevention Institute at the Annual Meeting

This year’s American Public Health Association Annual Meeting is fast approaching – November 2-6 in Boston – and we can’t wait to see you there! We’re thrilled to be presenting on a new vision for public health and prevention in the 21st century; new ideas for integrating prevention with healthcare delivery; advocacy tips and tricks; new developments in injury and violence prevention; the role of collaboration in public health; and other topics. Below are a few of the sessions we’ll be presenting. (For a complete list, click here.)

Advances in preventing violence in communities across the world: More than ever, we know what to do: Violence is a preventable public health problem. A strong and growing evidence base describes how to prevent shootings and killings and to sustain that progress over time. A concerted effort to prevent violence in American cities can dramatically cut the number of homicides nationwide, and cities need resources and expertise to make this a reality. This presentation will describe the progress of cities working to prevent violence, and share lessons from the national UNITY initiative. PI’s Larry Cohen will present. Monday, 11/4, 8:45 am - 9:00 am.

Community-Centered Health Homes: Bridging the gap between health services and local violence prevention efforts: Violence and fear of violence are major factors that worse health disparities across populations. PI’s Larry Cohen will present the concept and elements of a "community-centered health home" (CCHH), a model in which health care institutions take an active role in improving the community's health and safety, and why preventing violence is important and achievable as part of health reform. The defining attribute of the CCHH is active involvement in community advocacy and systems change. Monday, 11/4, 10:30 am - 12 pm.

Future of Public Health in the 21st Century: A fresh approach, with bold and innovative solutions, is required to handle today’s pressing public health challenges. The field of public health needs a clear plan that allows it to engage in a new way, forge new partnerships, and strengthen the ability to build a broader movement for health. PI’s Sana Chehimi will present findings and implications from our national landscape analysis and identify strategic opportunities and approaches for activating local and state advocacy efforts that promote health, wellness, and disease prevention. Monday, 11/4, 2:30 pm - 4 pm. 

We'll be handing out this bumpersticker at the APHA meeting and are also happy to send it to you. If your group wants to get them in bulk, please drop us a line.

UNITY: Lessons learned from a national public health initiative to prevent violence: UNITY is a national initiative that builds support for effective efforts to prevent violence before it occurs. Funded for the past 8 years by CDC, UNITY has helped cities across the country develop comprehensive prevention plans. The UNITY RoadMap outlines nine essential elements needed to prevent violence. PI’s Larry Cohen will discuss UNITY, highlight lessons and discuss the role health departments and other sectors can play to prevent violence affecting youth. Tuesday, 11/5, 10:30 am – 12 noon. 

Ensuring Future Farm Bills Support Community Health: Lessons Learned from the Farm Bill: At the end of 2012, Congress extended the 2008 Farm Bill through September 30, 2013, a big step backwards for many programs that support community health. Advocates are working to ensure that Congress restores critical programs such as funding for farmers markets and local food systems and support for small, mid-sized, and socially disadvantaged farmers. This session will provide an overview of the current status of the bill and advocacy opportunities. PI’s Linda Shak will moderate the discussion. Tuesday, 11/5, 10:30 am – 12 noon. 

Achieving Collective Impact through Interdisciplinary, Interagency and Other Diverse Partnerships: Law enforcement is typically the agency tasked with addressing violence, but many local agencies have influence over the determinants of violence. PI’s Rachel Davis and Larry Cohen present research on how different sectors of local government – including public health, housing, public works, education, and transportation – can mitigate these determinants and help prevent youth violence. Wednesday, 11/6, 8:30 am–9:30 am.

THRIVE: A framework for community-driven initiatives to address health disparities: Our THRIVE tool enables community-driven efforts to address community health and health equity. PI’s Dalila Butler will explore how THRIVE empowers residents to turn knowledge of determinants of health into actionable strategies to increase community health and wellbeing. Wednesday 11/6, 8:30 am - 10:00 am.

We hope to see you in Boston!

Presenting a New Vision for Public Health in the 21st Century

Over the past year, Prevention Institute, with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, interviewed more than 50 public health and community leaders. Their thought-provoking comments helped us shape a coherent strategy for how public health can thrive in the 21st century. Read the report.

See Our Full List of APHA Presentations

Download a pdf to print the full list of presentations PI staffers will be making at the APHA 2013 meeting.

Tweet With Us

Can’t make it to APHA? Follow along with @preventioninst – we’ll be live-tweeting our sessions. And, if you’re there, be sure to tweet along with us using #APHA13.

Use Hashtag #Vision21

To join the conversation about the future of public health. Follow us on Twitter at @preventioninst, too.

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