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UNITY e-alert: November 1, 2013

Join us at APHA in Boston next week

Join us at Connecting the Dots in Youth Violence Prevention, a special session of the American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting on Tuesday, November 5, at 10:30 a.m. The session will highlight how local partnerships in Boston and Houston are preventing violence. The session also features UNITY Co-Chair Larry Cohen and Howard Spivak, director of the Division of Violence Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Jump-start your week with these Monday presentations by Larry Cohen:

Let’s connect! We'd love to see you at these APHA events:

Prevention Institute will be live-Tweeting from @preventioninst, using the #APHA13 hashtag. Tweet with us, and spread the word that violence is a preventable public health issue.

Mobilizing Residents to Prevent Violence
The Boston Public Health Commission's Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (VIP) is grounded in community engagement, an essential element of preventing violence. In this addition to the City Voices and Perspectives series, Catherine Fine describes the goals of VIP's five community coalitions, and shares advice for mobilizing residents. For example:

  • Ensure diverse leadership in the community coalition.
  • Provide training and technical assistance.
  • Assign designated staffing.
  • Clearly communicated expectations to funded organizations.
  • Leadership, data and accountability.
  • Promote partnerships among coalitions.

Download the publication for details. For additional guidance on developing prevention initiatives that reflect the community, read The Role of Community Culture in Efforts to Create Healthier, Safer and More Equitable Places, by Prevention Institute.

Now Hiring: Youth Violence Prevention Coordinator

The Minneapolis Health Department seeks a youth violence prevention coordinator to implement the Blueprint for Action strategic plan. The coordinator develops policies that prevent violence, increases funding and leverages resources, and raises awareness about the city’s public health approach. Learn more.

A Prevention Institute initiative, UNITY is funded in part by The Kresge Foundation to support multi-sector tools and training for preventing community violence and violence affecting youth. From 2005 to 2013, UNITY was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through two cooperative agreements, and in part by The California Wellness Foundation (TCWF) from 2006 to 2009. Created in 1992 as an independent, private foundation, TCWF’s mission is to improve the health and people of California by making grants for health promotion, wellness, education, and disease prevention programs.

PI to Accept Public Service Award 

Preventing violence and injuries is a central part of Prevention Institute’s work. PI will accept the APHA Public Service Award in Injury Control and Emergency Health Services for outstanding contributions to the field that have had significant, long-term impacts.

Also at APHA, Nov. 4 

Prevention Institute will present a new vision for public health, based on Toward a 21st Century Approach. This report describes a public health movement to transform neighborhood environments in partnership with the community, health care, business and other sectors.

Upcoming Events

November 6, Montreal. Prevention Institute will introduce a new Collaboration Multiplier guidebook for strengthening local, multi-sector efforts to prevent violence, to an international audience at the Canadian Injury Prevention & Safety Promotion Conference.

November 11, Seattle. Hosted by the National League of Cities, Prevention Institute will deliver a leadership training seminar on Collaboration Multiplier and on enhancing partnerships to promote healthy and safe communities. Visit the 2013 Congress of Cities and Exposition website.

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