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Prevention Institute

Health Reform Rapid Response: November 1, 2013

Register Now for Cultivating Prevention Champions: Making the Case to Local Elected Officials (Webinar)

Community prevention efforts are flourishing across the country. Working together, communities are finding unique local solutions to create safe, walkable streets, promote healthy food environments, support workplace wellness and safeguard tobacco-free air. Educating local elected officials about this process is often key to building a robust prevention coalition, and can result in high-profile prevention champions in local government. Please join Prevention Institute on Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. PST for a webinar that explores how you can make the case for prevention to your local elected officials. Register today.
Participants will:

  • Learn tips and strategies on how to communicate the value of prevention to local officials and staff;
  • Explore messaging tactics designed to resonate with local officials;
  • Review best practices for educating elected officials through direct interactions, media advocacy and new media; and 
  • Hear directly from local elected officials and their staff already implementing prevention initiatives in their communities.

Presenters and panelists include:

  • Peter Asen, director of Providence, R.I.’s, Healthy Communities Office: Will share how Providence is improving community health through prevention with the Healthy Communities Office, and explore Mayor Angel Taveras’ role in this work.
  • Steve Castaneda, former City Council member in Chula Vista, Calif.: Will discuss the prevention efforts that he helped to champion, in partnership with the local health coalition, to improve opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity in Chula Vista.
  • Lily Swartz, communications coordinator at Prevention Institute: Will discuss key messaging and framing strategies for communicating with local elected officials, as well as best practices for engaging with city leadership.
  • Linda Shak, program manager at Prevention Institute: moderator.

Please join us on Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. PST for a webinar that explores how you can make the case for prevention to your local elected officials. Register here.


Download a pdf to print the full list of presentations PI staffers will be making at the American Public Health Association 2013 meeting, Nov. 2 – 6 in Boston.

Presenting a New Vision for Public Health in the 21st Century

Over the past year, Prevention Institute, with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, interviewed more than 50 public health and community leaders. Their thought-provoking comments helped us shape a coherent strategy for how public health can thrive in the 21st century. Read the report.

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Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org

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