As Thanksgiving Draws Near, U.S. Advocates Press for a Fair Farm Bill
As Thanksgiving approaches, leading food policy organizations are focused on the farm bill, which is now being debated by a House-Senate conference committee. What better way to give thanks for the food on our tables than to promote a farm bill that advances a vibrant, healthy, economically sustainable food system that supports both consumers and producers?
You can take action now to tell Congress you support fair and just food and farm policies.
The Food and Agriculture Policy Collaborative, a partnership of national and local organizations, is advancing four key policy priorities that promote the vision of healthy food and healthy economies. Collaborative members have set up actions to support each goal. We applaud their efforts and encourage you to support the vital work they are doing to make the next farm bill an instrument for advancing health, equity and sustainability.
Act now in support of fairness and justice for farmers and consumers:
- Protect and strengthen the nutrition safety net. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is one of the most responsive and effective federal anti-poverty programs. According to Census data, SNAP lifted 3.9 million Americans above the poverty line in 2011. SNAP reduces hunger and food insecurity and improves health outcomes for more than 46 million Americans. To take action to strengthen SNAP, visit FRAC.
- Expand the Healthy Food Financing Initiative. The HFFI improves access to fresh healthy foods and stimulates local economic development by providing loans and grants to help fresh food retailers enter low-income communities. To take action to support the Healthy Food Financing Initiative, visit PolicyLink.
- Create and expand healthy food incentives. Healthy food incentive programs provide extra support to SNAP recipients who use their benefits to purchase fresh produce at farmers markets. This helps recipients and farmers—and boosts the economy at the same time. For more information on healthy food incentives, visit the Fair Food Network.
- Build sustainable local food systems. The Farm Bill should invest in rural economic development, develop a stronger safety net to support family farms and beginning farmers who grow diversified, organic and specialty crops, and strengthen connections between producers and consumers. To take action to build sustainable food systems, visit the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition.
Cultivating Common Ground
This Prevention Institute report explores the opportunity for health professionals and advocates for sustainable agriculture to increase their impact by working hand-in-hand. Click here to read.
#FairFarmBill Twitterstorm
Tweet for a Full and Fair Farm Bill this Tuesday, November 26, from 12-1PM PST. For more information on how to participate and tips for tweeting at your representatives, click here. You'll also find tweets like this one:
Food is a basic need. Celebrate Thanksgiving by demanding a full & #FairFarmBill with #NoCutstoSNAP
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