With ENACT Day right around the corner, the ENACT Planning Team has everything you need to make the most of the day.
There’s one day left to register for ENACT Day. Join advocates from across the state in Sacramento on May 29 to advocate for a healthy, equitable California! ENACT Day is a great opportunity for community coalitions, grassroots organizers and advocates to develop and exercise policy advocacy skills. Attendees will:
• Learn about proposed legislation to improve access to healthy food and safe physical activity
• Participate in trainings from communications and advocacy experts on how to share your success stories and provide non-partisan education to policymakers and the media
• Join a rally and media event for a healthier, more equitable California on the Capitol steps
• Meet with your legislators or their staff about your community’s health issues and priorities
• Network with community health advocates from across the state
Spanish translation and accommodations for people with disabilities will be provided. Breakfast and lunch will be available for all, including those with dietary restrictions.
Registration closes Friday, May 16, and space is limited, so sign up today!
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Get ready to make the most of media advocacy opportunities on ENACT Day--join California Convergence’s Media Relations Teleconference on Tuesday, May 20 (1:30-3:00PM PST) and access the Connecting for Change Media Relations Toolkit.
Isobel White of Lightbox Collaborative and Julieta Kusnir of Berkeley Media Studies Group will share tips on how to engage the media and share your advocacy efforts with the media and policymakers.
RSVP to mabuzman@phi.org by Monday, May 19, to ensure you receive the CA Convergence Connecting for Change Media Relations Toolkit, ENACT Day policy documents, discussion agenda and teleconference login information. This teleconference will be available in English and Spanish.