Today’s the big day for community health advocates in California! Whether you’re joining us at the Capitol or logging on from your desk, welcome to ENACT Day 2014!
This morning, we launched the Virtual ENACT Day Action Center, where you’ll find all the tools you need to be an outstanding e-advocate! We’ve got factsheets and talking points for each bill (in English and Spanish), and easy-to-use letters of support that you can send directly to your legislators.
Take action TODAY in support of our sponsored bills:
• Senate Bill 1000 requires warning labels on sugar-sweetened beverages sold in CA. This bill has passed Senate Appropriations and is headed to the full Senate for a vote.
• Senate Bill 1151 promotes safe routes to school and influences safe driving habits in school zones. This bill is set for a vote in the Senate Transportation Committee.
• Assembly Bill 1179 adds the Superintendent of Public Instruction to the Strategic Growth Council. This bill is set for a vote in the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee.
• Assembly Bill 2449 ensures that California students have adequate time to eat lunch at school. This bill has passed Assembly Appropriations and is headed to the full Assembly for a vote.
You can also tweet at your legislators, colleagues and friends! We’ve created a Twitter cheatsheet for ENACT Day advocates, with popular hashtags and Twitter handles of bill sponsors, relevant legislative committees, and all senators and Assembly members. Here are some sample tweets to help you get started:
- .@BillMonning & @SenRicardoLara: Thanks for your support of SB1000 #sodawarninglabel bill! #ENACT2014
- Hey #CA advocates! Write your senator TODAY to support SB1151 & safe school zones #ENACT2014
- #KidsHealth depends on adequate time to eat lunch at school! Take action now to support AB2449: #ENACT2014
Thanks for adding your voice to the call for a healthier California! And please consider forwarding this call to action to your friends, family and colleagues.
#ENACT2014 on Twitter
We’ll be live-tweeting from Sacramento all day. You can join the conversation at the hashtag #ENACT2014!
Why I’m Coming to Sacramento This Month—to Stand up for the Health of My Community
Catch up with ENACT Day advocate Mario Loera, Jr., on our California Blog.
Visit our website:
Prevention Institute
221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: