We’ve been working hard in the two weeks since ENACT Day to assemble some of the day’s highlights and successes, and we’d like to take a moment to share that information with you. Thanks to everyone on the Strategic Alliance network who helped make this day a success!
ENACT Day 2014 brought almost 200 California health advocates to the Capitol building. These advocates represented over 50 cities and towns and conducted 40 visits and 80 drop-ins with legislators or their aides. Back home, e-advocates sent an incredible 1098 letters in support of the four ENACT Day bills.
Genoveva Islas, executive director of the Central California Regional Obesity Prevention Program, captured the spirit of the day in her remarks: “Your power today is your voice, it’s your presence and it’s your vote. And the people behind us in this building are here to represent you, so let’s not forget that and make sure we hold them accountable to the type of changes we want to see in our community!”
Both participants at the Capitol and those online engaged in a lively discussion on Twitter. Take a look at some of the highlights.

The day ended on a high note--with Senate Bill 1000, the soda warning label bill, passing the Senate and heading to the Assembly. Our camera crew caught up with Lizzie Velten, policy coordinator at the California Center for Public Health Advocacy, at the end of the day for a victory statement--and the last word in our video about the day: “You can feel like you participated in something very special today--this is legislation in action and you were a part of it!”
We want to thank EVERYONE who helped make ENACT Day such a success! You don’t need to wait until next year to join the action--we’ll keep you informed about upcoming advocacy opportunities this summer and fall, as the bills we supported at ENACT Day move through the California legislature.