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Prevention Institute

June 23rd, 2014

All Communities are Not Created Equal: Advancing Health Equity Goals to Enhance Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention

Thursday, June 26, 2014
11 AM to 12:30 PM Pacific
2 PM to 3:30 PM Eastern

How can the movement to prevent sexual and domestic violence become more equity focused? What does it look like to acknowledge the impact of race, class, sexual orientation and ability in the development, implementation and evaluation of prevention efforts?

Join us Thursday as we explore these critical questions.

Guided by the framework established in CDC’s recent publication, A Practitioner’s Guide for Advancing Health Equity: Community Strategies for Preventing Chronic Disease, for which Prevention Institute provided extensive input and writing assistance, this webinar will delve into the connections between health equity and the prevention of sexual and domestic violence and explore opportunities to better support health equity as a part of prevention initiatives.


Invited Guests

This webinar is just one in PreventConnect’s 2014 web conference series. Learn more about these here.

Sexual Violence and the Spectrum of Prevention: Towards a Community Solution

This seminal paper uses the framework of The Spectrum of Prevention to provide the reader with effective primary prevention activities to reduce the incidence of sexual violence, emphasizing the importance of changing social norms. Download here...

National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence

Apply now to present your work at the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence. The seventh biennial conference will explore the role that violence prevention and intervention can play in decreasing health issues among children and adults. Join the conversation and apply by Friday, June 27th.

Community Engagement in Design and Planning

This chapter in Making Healthy Places: Designing and Building for Health, Well-Being, and Sustainability examines the ways in which community engagement is an effective mechanism for creating lasting health improvements by galvanizing resident participation to create healthy, equitable and sustainable communities. Download here…

THRIVE: Tool for Health and Resilience In Vulnerable Environments

THRIVE is a tool to help you understand and prioritize the factors within your own community that can help improve health and safety.  The tool can help answer questions such as: How can I identify key factors in my community and rate their importance?  How are these factors related to health outcomes?  What can I do to address each factor?  Where can I go for more information? Learn more here...

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