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Prevention Institute

June 26th, 2014

A Checklist for Strengthening Community Prevention and Healthcare Integration

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released six new Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) “to advance the nation’s chronic disease prevention and health promotion efforts.” Geared toward different eligible applicants – from state and local health departments to community-based coalitions and networks – these FOAs provide the needed resources to engage healthcare providers and institutions in efforts to build lasting systems of health, prevention and equity in communities across the country.

In a new memo, Prevention Institute shares strategies for leveraging partnerships and collaboration between health institutions and community change efforts with an aim to spur innovation and success for applicants seeking these new funding opportunities. Although the strategies offered are applicable across the FOAs, we focus in particular on the State and Local Public Health Actions to Prevent Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Disease and Stroke (State and Local Public Health Actions), as this FOA requires eligible state and local health departments to address a specified list of community-based and healthcare system strategies. This memo is also valuable for CMMI applicants and for every community trying to advance healthcare’s effectiveness in improving quality, reducing demand in the first place  and coordinating with community health efforts. Download the full memo here.

Are you applying for a CDC prevention FOA?

Let us know!

Partnership is key to the success of community prevention efforts, and the CDC FOAs call for collaboration between public health, healthcare, community organizations, and community residents. To help facilitate these connections, we are asking all organizations that intend to apply for any of the FOAs to share your information here. Sharing will take no more than two minutes to complete, and a database of applicants will allow organizations to connect and join forces in their efforts to create a true system of health.


A healthy and just America is an America where health, safety, and equity are embedded into the fabric of every community, in the first place. Prevention Institute stands ready to assist your organization implement community prevention into your grant.  Contact Sana Chehimi, Program Director at Prevention Institute, for assistance.

Community-Centered Health Homes

Community Centered Health Homes: Bridging the Gap Between Health Services and Community Prevention outlines an approach for upstream integration between community based efforts and clinical services. Download here.

A Practitioner's Guide for Advancing Health Equity: Community Strategies for Preventing Chronic Disease

Released by CDC, A Practitioner's Guide for Advancing Health Equity is a resource for practitioners, partners and stakeholders working to advance health equity through community health interventions. Download here.

Download How Can We Pay for a Healthy Population?

Prevention Institute talked to health-system innovators around the country to identify emerging new approaches for financing population health measures that prioritize community prevention. Download here.

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