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Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute alert: July 10, 2014

PI Offers Tips to Help Applicants Submit Strong Proposals

Application deadlines for six new funding programs from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are coming (July 22 and 23). For years, prevention supporters have been saying that to make our nation healthier, we must invest in changing our communities so they become places that promote health, access to healthy food, and enable people to walk, bike and exercise safely. We must also build coalitions that bring government, healthcare providers and community organizations together to advance prevention.

Now is our chance. The new CDC funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) provide a great opportunity to put these ideas into practice.

Prevention Institute has put together a checklist outlining some key elements and strategies to further leverage the focus on community-clinical linkages in the FOAs. The checklist highlights opportunities to improve community determinants of health through community-clinical linkages, especially in low-income communities and communities of color facing the greatest inequities in health outcomes.  The strategies include offering “green prescriptions” for interventions like walking or eating  fruits and vegetables, using mapping technology to plot data on disease incidence and community conditions, and expanded use of community health workers to help residents collectively address local conditions.

Since partnerships are critical to success, we urge applicants to fill out our “application tracker.” This simple form will help applicants connect with each other to explore the potential for collaboration. We will share the information we gather with all those who fill out the form.

Finally, as you prepare your application or launch your funded initiative, we urge you to heed one of the lessons from previous efforts and develop a robust plan for communicating with the public and elected officials about your successes. We’ll need to cultivate strong legislative champions if we hope to continue and expand these programs. The best way to do that is for senators and representatives to hear from their constituents about the exciting work going on in their states and districts.

As always, thanks for your efforts. Together, we can build a system of health and prevention that makes our communities and our nation stronger and healthier.

Wanna partner? Use our FOA tracker

Partnerships are important for many of the new CDC FOAs. A great way to find partners is to let others know you’re applying. Then applicants can connect and collaborate. Download our simple form here.

Community-Centered Health Homes

Community-Centered Health Homes: Bridging the Gap BetweenHealth Services and Community Prevention outlines an approach for upstream integration between community based efforts and clinical services. Download here.

How Can We Pay for a Healthier Population?

Prevention Institute talked to health-system innovators around the country to identify emerging new approaches for financing population-health measures that prioritize community prevention. Download here.

Advancing Health Equity: A Practitioner's Guide 

Released by CDC, A Practitioner's Guide for Advancing Health Equity is a resource for practitioners, partners and stakeholders working to advance health equity through community health interventions. Download here.

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