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Prevention Institute alert: July 18, 2014

Rea Pañares Named to Advisory Board for U.S. Office of Minority Health

Prevention Institute’s own Rea Pañares has been appointed to the U.S. Advisory Committee on Minority Health, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The committee provides guidance and input to Deputy Assistant Secretary J. Nadine Gracia on ways to improve the health of racial and ethnic minorities and on the activities of the Office of Minority Health.

This is fantastic news. Rea has over a decade of experience working to advance health equity across the nonprofit, advocacy, government, and philanthropic sectors. As director of minority health initiatives at Families USA, she led efforts to strengthen federal health policies and programs with an eye toward improving racial and ethnic minorities’ access to care. Rea is currently board chair of the Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum, the nation’s oldest and largest health policy organization aimed at addressing the healthcare needs of America’s fastest growing demographic. She also co-authored our 2011 paper, “Community-Centered Health Homes,” advancing a model for addressing community factors that influence health based on research supported by the Office of Minority Health.

We couldn’t be prouder to have Rea on our team, and working to advance PI’s role in bridging community prevention and health care. Rea just spent two days in Washington, D.C. at her first meeting as a committee member and says she was “humbled to be part of such an impressive group of individuals—from diverse backgrounds—committed to advancing health equity.”

Congratulations, Rea.

Advancing Health Equity: A Practitioner's Guide 

Released by CDC, A Practitioner's Guide for Advancing Health Equity is a resource for practitioners, partners and stakeholders working to advance health equity through community health interventions. Download here.

Applying for New CDC Funding Programs? Check Out Our Checklist

Proposals for six new CDC funding programs aimed at reducing and preventing chronic disease are due next week (July 22 and 23). We’ve put together a checklist outlining some key elements and strategies to foster linkages between clinical providers and community-based prevention efforts that may be useful in preparing proposals. Check out our checklist here.

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