On behalf of Prevention Institute and the Berkeley Healthy Child Coalition, we’re pleased to invite you to a fundraiser in support of Berkeley’s Measure D, a penny-per-ounce tax on the distribution of sodas and other sugar-sweetened beverages. We’re honored to co-host this event with the California Black Health Network, California Center for Public Health Advocacy, Ecology Center, and Public Health Institute.
Our Berkeley vs. Big Soda Fundraiser is the key opportunity for the Bay Area public health community to show support for Measure D at a critical point in the campaign. The beverage industry is expected to spend $100 per Berkeley voter to sink Measure D this fall. It will take all of us to win the battle against Big Soda. Please join us in supporting this effort by donating and volunteering at BerkeleyvsBigSoda.com.
We also hope you’ll join us in person on September 26 to support this vital effort. Hear firsthand from leaders of Mexico’s successful campaign to pass a national tax on sugar-sweetened beverages, and learn more about how you can support Measure D.
Berkeley vs. Big Soda Fundraiser
Friday, September 26, 4:00-6:00PM
Prevention Institute, 221 Oak Street, Oakland, CA
RSVP today!
- Simon Barquera, MD, MS, PhD, Director of Policy Research and Nutrition Programs, Mexican National Institute of Public Health
- Rebecca L. Berner, Director of Institutional Development, El Poder del Consumidor
- Larry Tramutola, Political consultant for the Measure D campaign and author of Sidewalk Strategies – A practical guide for candidates, causes and communities
This event is open to all and a donation is not required in order to attend. Light refreshments and drinks will be provided.
We encourage you to share this invitation with your friends and colleagues.
RSVP Today!
We hope you'll join us on 9/26 to share your support for Berkeley vs. Big Soda. You can also sign up to volunteer your time or donate to support Berkeley vs. Big Soda here.
When Big Soda Calls Robert Reich
A front group for Big Soda has been "push-polling" Berkeley voters about Measure D. But they dialed the wrong number when they rung up one of the country's strongest voices for scaling back corporate hegemony. Apparently, the caller couldn't get off the phone fast enough. Read Robert Reich's account of the call here.
New soda tax makes Mexico a leading guardian of public health
Read Larry Cohen's blog on what US can learn from Mexico's peso-per-liter tax on soda and 8 percent tax on junk food.
Visit our website: www.preventioninstitute.org
Prevention Institute
221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org