The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently released Building Community Commitment for Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments, developed by Prevention Institute. This publication provides guidance to mobilize communities to create safe spaces and settings that keep kids safe and support their healthy development. Part of CDC’s Essentials for Childhood initiative to prevent child abuse and neglect, this document lays out steps that communities can use to build support for many issues. PI presents nine key elements and case examples, organized in three clusters:
1. Develop a Shared Vision. In Otoe County, Nebraska, for example, local partners wanted a vision statement that everyone in the community could support—“Bright futures begin at birth! Every child will receive the nurturing care to become compassionate, contributing members of their communities.”
2. Build Understanding of the Need and Solutions. After winning re-election on a platform of reducing meth abuse, the sheriff of Laurel County, Kentucky, hosted community meetings to increase understanding about child abuse and its connection to drug addiction. He invited health educators and children’s advocates to travel with him to fire stations and Elks Lodges throughout the county to reinforce the notion that preventing child abuse is a community responsibility.
3. Partner. To create the conditions for children to thrive, the North Carolina Task Force on Child Abuse Prevention developed 13 priority recommendations. Specific partners agreed to implement the recommendations and embark upon joint projects, and they agreed to report on progress within the year to hold each other accountable.
We hope you’ll read the paper and pass it on to colleagues and friends. If you’re active on social media, share your thoughts with us at @preventioninst.
Bona-fide Community Mobilization
Take your community engagement efforts to the next level with four key strategies. To make the jump, watch this PreventConnect webinar hosted by Annie Lyles that features local examples and PI’s research.
NFL's Role in Preventing Violence
Prevention Institute and its partners called on the NFL to engage the football community in changing norms around violence. Read the NFL Game Changer letter on how the NFL can help end violence against women.
PI Seeks a Communications Manager
Prevention Institute is seeking to hire a seasoned communications manager to support our communications strategies. To learn more, please read the job announcement.
Community Resilience Cookbook
Mobilize communities to push for neighborhood design that prevents Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). Read a great introduction to ACEs at the Community Resilience Cookbook, by the Health Federation of Philadelphia.
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