The annual meeting of the American Public Health Association starts at the end of this week in New Orleans. If you’re going, we hope to see you—and that you’ll come check out some of our presentations. This year, they’ll include a special panel of health leaders that are working to integrate good healthcare with prevention efforts in their communities, and presentations on strategies that promote health equity, reduce chronic disease, build healthy communities, reduce violence, cultivate elected officials as allies and help advocates for health transformation communicate their ideas.
Here’s a rundown on the sessions we'll be presenting.
Advocacy for Leaders. This panel of public health advocates and legislative staffers will offer ideas and strategies for influencing the policy agenda. For her presentation, Transforming Public Will Into Political Power, PI’s Sana Chehimi will offer insights on ways to use your voice to create positive change for the health and wellbeing of the public. Sunday Nov. 16, 8 am to 12 noon, in the Hilton’s Oak Alley room.
A Practitioner's Guide for Advancing Health Equity. Last year, the CDC released A Practitioner's Guide for Advancing Health Equity. PI was honored to help the CDC put together this resource for practitioners, partners and stakeholders and our Sandra Viera will moderate a panel discussion on some of its key strategies. Monday, Nov. 17 10:30 am to 12 noon in the Hilton Hotel’s Napoleon Ballroom.
Advances in Innovation: Health Leaders Pursue New Strategies to Keep Their Communities Healthy. PI’s Leslie Mikkelsen moderates a panel of four health leaders at the forefront of the effort to integrate clinical care with quality community prevention. Monday, Nov. 17, 12:30 pm to 2 pm at Morial Convention Center, room 224.
Fostering Community-Centered Health Homes in North Carolina. PI’s Leslie Mikkelsen will discuss the effort to bring quality clinical care and community-level prevention efforts together in a pilot project supported by Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation of North Carolina. Monday, Nov. 17, 2:30 to 4 pm at Morial Convention Center, room R02.
Prevention is Primary: Strategies and Tools to Make Community Health and Equity a Reality. People are healthier in communities with safe parks and playgrounds, walkable and bikeable streets and markets that sell healthy food. PI’s Rachel Davis highlights two tools for crafting collaborative efforts to promote place-based health. Tuesday, Nov. 18, 8:30 to 10 am at Morial Convention Center, room R01.
Cultivating prevention champions: Making the case to local elected officials. In the effort to reduce chronic disease by improving access to healthy food and physical activity, local elected officials can be key allies. PI’s Sandra Viera will share lessons on how to build these relationships based on a series of interviews with local officials. Tuesday, Nov. 18, 8:30 to 10 am at Morial Convention Center, room 235.
The role for communications in supporting integration of health care and community prevention. Good communications strategy can elevate efforts to transform the health system and build prevention-oriented population health initiatives. Rob Waters, senior communications advisor to PI, will use a recent effort as a case study. Tuesday, Nov. 18, 8:30 to 10 am at Morial Convention Center, room 342.
National Landscape: Advancing Public Health Approaches to Preventing Violence. Since 2006, UNITY, a national violence prevention initiative, has worked with more than 20 cities, including New Orleans, to advance a public health approach to preventing urban violence. PI’s Rachel Davis will provide an overview of this work and highlight public health's role. Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2:30 to 4 pm at the Hilton Hotel’s Grand Salon 10.
Improving health and equity through built environment approaches: Findings from a qualitative study in Los Angeles. In LA, many organizations are working to enhance community health by improving the built environment. We interviewed leaders of community-based organizations, local government, and businesses on how to advance health and equity through land-use policies and practices. PI’s Sandra Viera will discuss findings. Wednesday Nov. 15, 8:30 to 10 am in the Hilton Hotel’s Melrose room.
Biking in the Big Easy
If you’re in town for the APHA meeting on Wednesday Nov. 19, join a public health bicycle tour of the city led by Bike Easy and the New Orleans Public Health Dept. This 10-mile tour will offer participants a glimpse of the past, present, and future of public health in New Orleans. Register here by November 12.
Closing the Loop
Prevention measures that restrict tobacco consumption or require the use of seat beats or car seats saves lives—and money. But that money rarely gets used to fund new prevention efforts. In a paper published by the Institute of Medicine, PI’s Larry Cohen and The California Endowment’s Anthony Iton argue that we need to “close the loop” by ensuring that we invest and reinvent in prevention.
Building on Community-Centered Health Homes
Our recent report, “Assessing and Promoting Adoption of the Community-Centered Health Home Model," takes an in-depth look at more than a dozen CA clinics and how the community-centered health homes model supports their work.
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