“It was great to have open dialogue with everyone and learn about each other’s work and perspectives. The training was interactive, informative and very useful for our work. Thank you!!”
– Former training participant
Join us in Los Angeles for Prevention Institute’s Primary Prevention for Change full-day training on Thursday, January 8th. Supported by The California Endowment’s Health ExChange Academy, this free training offers a unique opportunity for health department personnel, community-based organizations and individuals to learn to apply a primary prevention lens to help keep their communities safe and healthy, in the first place.
Primary Prevention for Change Training
WHERE: The California Endowment, 1000 N Alameda St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
WHEN: Thursday, January 8th, from 9:30am—3:30pm
Register today!
Primary Prevention for Change grounds participants in key community and environmental factors that shape health, and introduces prevention strategies to advance health, safety and equity. Using community case studies and Prevention Institute’s foundational tools and frameworks, participants will learn how to formulate a comprehensive approach to improving community health. Through interactive discussion and activities, attendees will have an opportunity to apply these learnings to their community’s health priorities.
This introductory training is open to all health department personnel, community-based organizations, community members and advocates working to advance health, safety and equity. A light breakfast and a full lunch will be included. We encourage you to share this invitation with your friends and colleagues. Please be sure to register by December 19th.