Mark your calendars: This year’s ENACT Day is May 6 in Sacramento
All Californians deserve the opportunity to live in healthy and safe communities, and we want YOU to join us in Sacramento to carry that message to policymakers.
On Wednesday, May 6th, advocates from across the state will converge at the Capitol for ENACT Day 2015. ENACT Day is a prime opportunity for community coalitions, grassroots organizers and advocates to develop policy advocacy skills. Last year, more than 200 advocates representing over 50 California communities gathered at the Capitol to rally behind A Healthy Future for California, our policy platform, and advocate for four key bills to improve health, safety and equity.
This year, attendees will:
- Learn about proposed legislation to improve access to healthy food and safe places to play.
- Participate in trainings from communications and advocacy experts on how to share your success stories and provide non-partisan education to policymakers and the media.
- Share your community’s health issues and priorities with your legislators.
- Network with community health advocates from across the state.
ENACT Day is free to all attendees. Spanish interpretation is available and lunch will be provided. A limited number of travel scholarships will be available.
We’ll keep you updated on how to register for ENACT Day and how to make the most of media advocacy opportunities over the coming weeks.
ENACT Day Sponsors
- Strategic Alliance for Healthy Food & Activity Environments
- California Pan-Ethnic Health Network
- California Center for Public Health Advocacy
- California Convergence
- California Food Policy Advocates
- Prevention Institute
- Public Health Institute
- Roots of Change
- Safe Routes to School National Partnership
It’s not too late to sign on as an organizational sponsor of ENACT Day! If your organization is interested, please contact
Maureen Silva.