Supporting Community Culture to Prevent Sexual, Domestic Violence: Register for March 25 Webinar
PreventConnect continues its 2015 web conference series with its second webinar: Supporting Community Culture as a Norms Change Strategy for Preventing Sexual and Domestic Violence.
Wednesday, March 25
11:00-12:30pm PDT/ 2:00-3:30pm EDT
Register here.
Please join Prevention Institute and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault’s PreventConnect in discussing the role of community culture in environmental change efforts to prevent sexual and domestic violence. This web conference will cover best practices, community profiles, and guided questions that practitioners can use to design effective policy, systems, and norms-change initiatives that respect and reflect community culture. Learning objectives are to:
• Engage in a candid discussion around the value of community norms-change work, and identify strategies for shifting norms that build on community culture;
• Share real-world examples of efforts that use community culture to shift community-level norms; and
• Identify tools and resources to support innovative approaches for shifting community-level norms.

Micah R. Lunderman, Prevention/Outreach Coordinator, Rosebud Sioux Tribe Defending Childhood Initiative
Brooke Conway, Manager for Education and Community Outreach, The Sex Abuse Treatment Center, a program of the Kapiolani Medical Center for Women and Children, Honolulu, Hawaii
Register here.
Please join us for future Web conferences in the 2015 PreventConnect series, Making Connections, Honoring Communities. Invited guests speakers will talk about linking sexual and domestic violence prevention to related efforts and movements, as well as strategies for creating healthy, thriving communities. Upcoming webinar topics and days are:
Thursday, April 9: Men of color and community trauma prevention: What do sexual and domestic violence efforts offer to support well-being?
Thursday, May 7: From foundations to the future: A prevention approach to sexual and domestic violence
Thursday, June 11: Linking with child-focused approaches when preventing sexual and domestic violence
Thursday, July 9: Joint strategies: How does sexual and domestic violence prevention better leverage local health, justice, education, and community sectors?
Thursday, August 13: Closing the loop: Increasing investment and sustainability for sexual and domestic violence prevention
Click here for more information.