Men of color and community trauma prevention: Register for April 9 webinar
Log on for the third installment in PreventConnect’s 2015 web conference series this Thursday, April 9, to learn more about Men of Color and Community Trauma Prevention: What links sexual and domestic violence efforts to trauma prevention?
Thursday, April 9, 2015
11:00am-12:30pm PT / 2:00pm-3:30pm ET
Register here
Quality prevention efforts meet men and boys where they are, in their communities, to promote resilience across generations. To accomplish this, this web conference will focus on community-level, community-driven solutions that promote mental health and well-being for men and boys. Based on a detailed landscape report on the current state of mental health of American boys and men, Making Connections for Mental Health and Well-Being among Men and Boys in the U.S., guests and participants will examine challenges and solutions to prevent sexual and domestic violence that also support the fundamental well-being of men and boys. Join the conversation to
- Engage in a candid discussion around the links between preventing trauma and sexual and domestic violence
- List strategies relevant for efforts focused on men of color, trauma and sexual and domestic violence
- Identify tools and resources to support ongoing innovative partnerships between efforts focused on sexual and domestic violence prevention and efforts preventing trauma in communities of color.
Host: David S. Lee, PreventConnect and CALCASA
Facilitator: Annie Lyles, Program Manager Prevention Institute
- Patricia McManus, Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin
- Kenny Green, Gang Intervention Department, Toberman Neighborhood Center
Join us for future PreventConnect webinars:
- Thursday, May 7: From foundations to the future: A prevention approach to sexual and domestic violence
- Thursday, June 11: Linking with child-focused approaches when preventing sexual and domestic violence
- Thursday, July 9: Joint strategies: How does sexual and domestic violence prevention better leverage local health, justice, education, and community sectors?
- Thursday, August 13: Closing the loop: Increasing investment and sustainability for sexual and domestic violence prevention
Click here for more information.
Making Connections for Mental Health and Well-Being among Men and Boys in the US
Check out our latest report calling for increased investment in the mental health of men and boys. This report was developed with funding from The Movember Foundation.
Sexual Violence and the Spectrum of Prevention: Towards a Community Solution
This document, developed by Prevention Institute and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, outlines effective strategies to prevent sexual violence, with a focus on changing social norms.
Addressing and Preventing Trauma at the Community Level
In many neighborhoods across the U.S., entire communities experience traumatizing events and conditions. This publication summarizes a conversation between UCSF Professor Howard Pinderhughes and UNITY Project Director Rachel Davis on community-level trauma and what can be done about it.
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