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Prevention Institute

Strategic Alliance e-alert: May 6, 2015

Speak up for a healthier, safer, more equitable California with our online action center

This morning, advocates from across the state of California will converge on Sacramento for ENACT Day. We hope to see you at the Capitol today -- but you don’t have to be in Sacramento to participate in ENACT Day! 

If you care about curbing consumption of sugary drinks, making school zones safer places for students who walk and bike to school, stretching the dollars of people living in poverty when they use nutrition benefits at farmers markets, and ensuring that no students start the school day hungry, Virtual ENACT Day is the place to be.  

Visit our online action center. We’ve got all the tools you need to be an outstanding e-advocate, from factsheets and talking points to letters of support you can send directly to your legislators. Last year, more than 200 advocates representing more than 50 California communities gathered at the Capitol to advocate for key bills to improve health, safety and equity.

If you’re in Sacramento today to meet with your legislators, encourage your friends and family back home to support you by joining Virtual ENACT Day. 

Here’s how you can join the action on Virtual ENACT Day:

Visit the Virtual ENACT Day Action Center on our website. Send letters of support for each of this year’s bills to your legislators. 

Connect with us on Twitter, using the hashtag #ENACT2015. Let us know why this year’s ENACT Day bills matter to you and your community, tweet at your legislators and keep up with participants on the ground in Sacramento. Download our Twitter cheat sheet if you need help getting started.

Join the action at #ENACT2015

Tweet at #ENACT2015 to join the conversation and keep up with what’s happening in Sacramento. We’ll be live-tweeting the day’s events. 

Watch and share our new video: ENACT Day 2014

Relive ENACT Day 2014 with our new video--and please share with friends and colleagues who are thinking about joining ENACT Day this year! 

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Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: SA@preventioninstitute.org

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