PI Presents "From Streetscapes to Thriving Communities" with Dinesh Mohan, Dick Jackson
Prevention Institute and its co-sponsors are excited to present an in-person and webcast event with visionary thinkers Dinesh Mohan and Dick Jackson. Streets are in many ways at the heart of our communities, and street design can shape health outcomes in powerful ways. Yet street design isn’t enough: Residents need safe places to play, great destinations, and a thriving local economy.
Join us for a lively conversation, moderated by PI Managing Director Manal J. Aboelata, about designing community environments for health and safety. Lunch will be served before the talk for those who can attend in person. Please RSVP here by May 19th if you can attend in person, or sign up here for our live webcast.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
12:00 – 12:45pm lunch
12:45 – 2:00 pm discussion
Prevention Institute, 221 Oak Street, Oakland, CA
For our live event, please RSVP here and indicate whether you will join us for lunch. Space is limited.
To watch the event via webcast, please RSVP here.
If you have any questions, please email Rachel Bennett at RachelB@preventioninstitute.org.
Dr. Dinesh Mohan is one of the world’s top experts on transportation planning and safety, and how they relate to thriving communities. As the former coordinator of the Transportation Research and Injury Prevention Programme at the World Health Organization, he has been at the forefront of advancing pedestrian and bicyclist safety and public transit options worldwide. Dr. Mohan is now the Volvo Chair for Transportation Planning and Safety, Professor Emeritus, at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in New Delhi, India.
Dr. Richard (Dick) Jackson is a pediatrician who is leading the movement for healthy communities. He has co-authored two books, Urban Sprawl and Public Health and Making Healthy Places, as well as hosted a PBS television series, Designing Healthy Communities. Dr. Jackson is a professor in the Environmental Health Sciences department at UCLA’s Fielding School of Public Health and was formerly director of the CDC’s National Center for Environmental Health.
Manal J. Aboelata is a Managing Director at Prevention Institute and champions policy and community-based approaches to improve access to healthy foods, prevent injuries, and increase opportunities for safe physical activity in California and beyond. Manal is the principal author of The Built Environment and Health: 11 Profiles of Neighborhood Transformation and authored the chapter Community Engagement in Design and Planning in the text Making Healthy Places.
Thank you to our co-sponsors: Berkeley Media Studies Group; California Center for Public Health Advocacy; California Convergence; California Pan-Ethnic Health Network; California Walks; Center for Climate Change and Health; ChangeLab Solutions; Ch1ldren Now; County of Alameda, California; Cultiva La Salud; Human Impact Partners; PolicyLink; Public Health Institute; Safe Transportation Research & Education Center; and TransForm.