Creating a Community-Based, Prevention Approach for Children Exposed to Violence
Though they are sometimes siloed, effective prevention strategies can be integrated for children exposed to multiple forms of violence—sexual abuse, community and domestic violence, and child maltreatment. Please join Prevention Institute and special guests for a June 11th PreventConnect web conference about creating a community-based, prevention approach to violence that keeps children’s well-being at the forefront.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
11:00 am-12:30 pm PT / 2:00 pm-3:30 pm ET
Register here.
This webinar will draw on the latest research and innovative strategies about connections between different forms of violence against children, and discuss how to prevent this violence in one effort. We’ll explore implications for practice, including efforts focused on trauma and equity. We’ll also discuss challenges to an integrated approach; the tools and resources that can be used to guide integrated efforts; and the benefits and challenges of partnering with agencies that focus on different forms of violence.
Donald Gault, Healthy Communities Division Manager, Saint Paul-Ramsey County Public Health

Trina Wolf Chief, Chippewa Cree Tribe, Human Services Division-Children Exposed to Violence Project
Annie Lyles, Program Manager, Prevention Institute
Join us for future PreventConnect webinars:
• Thursday, July 9: Joint strategies: How does sexual and domestic violence prevention better leverage local health, justice, education, and community sectors?
• Thursday, August 13: Closing the loop: Increasing investment and sustainability for sexual and domestic violence prevention