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Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute E-Alert: October 14th, 2015

Award honors Senator Mitchell's health, equity work

Prevention Institute is delighted to see California state senator Holly J. Mitchell receive recognition for her outstanding work in health and equity by the California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA). Each year, CCPHA recognizes health champions across the state, from students and researchers to advocates and elected officials to nonprofits and members of the business community. The Champions of Health Awards are an important tool for celebrating leadership and inspiring Californians to achieve the vision of a state where all communities support health and equity. The awards are one of many important contributions that CCPHA makes to the lives of Californians.

Senator Mitchell has served in the California legislature since 2011 and currently represents the 30th Senate district. Many of the communities that make up the 30th district grapple with significant health, social and economic inequities, and Senator Mitchell has worked hard to lift up the needs and ideas of these communities. She is a champion of health and equity issues in the Senate, where she chairs the Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services and also serves on the Rules and Health, Insurance and Labor committees. She founded the Senate Select Committee on Women and Inequality and is a member of the Democratic Caucus, the Black Caucus and the Women’s Caucus.

Senator Mitchell has authored and co-sponsored many bills to make communities healthier and more equitable, including bills to establish healthy vending standards for state offices, create warning labels for sugary drinks, and enable unaccompanied homeless youth to access CalFresh food benefits. Her passion for community health and wellbeing shines through her interactions with residents in the 30th District, where Senator Mitchell and her staff have an active presence, engaging community members around policy questions and hosting events like an annual bike skills training for kids. Her commitment to advancing health and equity, both at home in her district and at the statewide level, are an inspiration to us all and we look forward to many years of working together to build a healthier California.

We want to applaud all of this year’s Champions for Health awardees and encourage you to visit CCPHA’s website to learn more about this year’s winners.

Healthy Development without Displacement Summit

Last week’s Healthy Development without Displacement Summit, hosted by Prevention Institute in Los Angeles, brought together a wide range of community voices. Follow along on Storify.

PI’s New Safety in all Policies Report

A window of opportunity is opening in California, and across the nation, to achieve a common vision and shared priority for safety across multiple sectors – through Safety in All Policies and violence prevention. Read our briefs on how to engage different sectors in preventing violence.

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