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Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute E-Alert: December 24, 2015

Learn about upcoming funding RFP for new population health model

Registration is now open for a January 7 webinar about an upcoming funding opportunity to develop Accountable Communities for Health (ACH) in California.

Accountable Communities for Health (ACHs) are an important and emerging element in the transformation of health systems to a broader approach that links healthcare and community well-being. Specifically, they link healthcare systems, community resources, and social services with primary prevention approaches in a given geographical area to improve health for an entire community. In January, a consortium of California foundations will request proposals to fund up to six ACH projects throughout the state.

The webinar will offer background about ACHs and information about the funding opportunity. Speakers will include Prevention Institute Managing Director Leslie Mikkelsen; Richard Figueroa, Director of Health and Human Services at The California Endowment; Peter Long, President and CEO of Blue Shield of California Foundation; and Barbara Masters, Project Manager of the California Accountable Communities for Health Initiative.

The webinar is on Thursday, January 7, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. PST. Register here.

Once participants register, they will receive more logistical information about the webinar as the date approaches. For background information about the California Accountable Communities for Health Initiative, please see the new Community Partners website. The upcoming RFP will be released by Community Partners, with support from The California Endowment, Blue Shield Foundation of California, and Kaiser Permanente.

Prevention Institute will soon release a brief on ACHs which will help inform those interested in the RFP. If you’d like to receive a copy, please email Jessica@preventioninstitute.org.

Read our report on Accountable Communities for Health

PI’s report for the state of Vermont presents research and analysis to inform the potential development and application of the ACH model.

Prevention and Wellness Funds

Part of transforming our health system is creating sustainable funding mechanisms for community prevention and wellness. Our report explains how prevention and wellness funds work, and how to manage them effectively.

Community-Centered Health Homes

While aimed at individual healthcare organizations, Community-Centered Health Homes (CCHHs) include elements of an ACH. Read our report on how California clinics are implementing CCHHs.

PI’s Rachel Davis on Top 10 best public health quotes list

PI Managing Director Rachel Davis made Berkeley Media Studies Group’s Top Ten Public Health Media Bites of 2015 list! Read the quote, and why BMSG liked it, here.

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