Lawmakers are at it again…this time they’re looking to repeal the Prevention and Public Health Fund to pay down the federal deficit. This is a short-sighted and harmful move.
On Monday March 14th at 5pm EST, the House Energy & Commerce Committee will begin marking up this legislation, HR 4725. Please use our simple online tool to ask members of the Committee to oppose the bill. And be sure to add your own voice and stories to strengthen the message.
We must remain vigilant in our support of the Fund – the largest source of federal funding for community prevention – which advances health, safety, and equity of individuals, families, and communities across the country.
Looking Ahead: Advancing Community-Based Prevention in 2016
In the year ahead—with your help—we’ll be looking to advance policies and investments, and pursue advocacy opportunities more broadly, to build a brighter, more equitable future for communities across the country. Here’s a sampling of what Prevention Institute will be watching for and working on in 2016.
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Oakland, CA 94607
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