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Prevention Institute

Strategic Alliance E-Alert: March 15th, 2016

Two days left to register for day of training, education, and advocacy!

Once a year, Californians travel to Sacramento for ENACT Day and the opportunity to speak up for a healthier, more equitable state. There’s still time to register for this year’s ENACT Day on March 30! You’ll have the opportunity to learn about health bills moving through the legislature this year, receive training on how to communicate with decision-makers, and speak with your legislators about your community’s health priorities.

This year’s ENACT Day bills seek to ensure all Californians have access to safe drinking water, fund health initiatives by imposing a fee on the distribution of harmful sugary drinks, feed low-income students when school is out of session, provide free and reduced-price transit passes to students, and support active transportation investments in low-income communities. The bills we are supporting are:

•    AB 2099: Safe Drinking Water for Low-Income Families (Stone)  will authorize the State’s Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) system to deliver supplemental drinking water benefits to low-income Californians with inadequate access to safe drinking water.

•    AB 2054: Summer EBT for Children in California (Thurmond) will extend nutrition assistance to purchase groceries for low-income students when school is out of session and school meals are not available. AB 2054 would develop the framework of Summer EBT for Children in California and pursue all available federal resources.

•    AB 2222: Free and Reduced-Price Transit Passes for Students (Holden) will dedicate a portion of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund to support transit pass programs that provide free or reduced-fare transit passes to public school students and community college, California State University, and University of California students, prioritizing communities of greatest need.

•    AB 2782: Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Health Impact Fee (Bloom) will impose a $0.02 per fluid ounce fee on the distribution of sugar-sweetened beverages, with revenues going into a fund to address diet-related chronic disease prevention.

•    AB 2796: Active Transportation Program for Communities (Bloom and Low) will require at least 5% of funds available through the Active Transportation Program to be awarded for planning and community engagement around active transportation in communities of greatest need.

Registration closes TOMORROW, Wednesday, March 16!

ENACT Day details:

March 30, 2016, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
St John's Lutheran Church
1701 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95811
Register now!

ENACT Day is FREE for all participants. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. All you need is your passion and an optional donation. Space is limited! If you are unable to attend the event in person but would still like to participate, you can sign up to join Virtual ENACT Day, and we’ll provide you with the tools you need to connect with your legislators.

ENACT Day Sponsors

•    American Heart Association
•    CA4Health
•    California Pan-Ethnic Health Network
•    California Center for Public Health Advocacy
•    California Food Policy Advocates
•    Community Intelligence
•    Prevention Institute
•    Public Health Institute
•    Safe Routes to School National Partnership

Mark your calendars for Virtual ENACT Day

Can't make it to Sacramento? Sign up to receive more information about Virtual ENACT Day. On March 30, we’ll launch an online action center with all the tools you need to be an outstanding e-advocate.

CA legislators stand up to Big Tobacco

Read PI’s statement on CA legislature’s passage of bills to regulate e-cigarettes as tobacco products, expand smoke-free workplaces, empower counties to set higher tobacco taxes, and raise the legal age to buy tobacco products from 18 to 21.

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Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: SA@preventioninstitute.org

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