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Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute E-Alert: April 11th, 2016

Framework, Strategies for Addressing and Preventing Community Trauma

The health, behavioral health, and social service fields have paid strong attention to the impacts of individual trauma. An emerging understanding is that we must focus on reducing trauma at the community level. Increasingly prevention practitioners are emphasizing that community trauma interferes with well-being and with other efforts to advance health. Elements of community trauma include a breakdown in trust, social isolation, and deteriorated public spaces. Like trauma in individuals, trauma in communities contributes to poor health outcomes.

Featuring Dr. Howard Pinderhughes, co-author of our Adverse Community Experiences and Resilience (ACE|R) report, and moderated by Prevention Institute (PI) Director Sheila Savannah, this web conference will present the ACE|R framework, including discussion about the production of trauma and violence in communities.

Adverse Community Experiences and Resilience: A Framework for Addressing and Preventing Community Trauma
Monday, April 18, 2016
11:00 am-12:30 pm PT / 2:00 pm-3:30 pm ET
Register here

Panelists will include representatives from Kaiser Permanente’s Community Benefit sites, who were interviewed for the ACE|R report, and representatives from PI’s national initiative, Making Connections for Mental Health and Well-Being, which aims to improve the mental health and well-being of men and boys. Panelists will highlight the importance of a multi-sector approach, and the roles of multiple sectors, in preventing and addressing community trauma. The discussion will also include community-level strategies that promote healing from and resilience to Adverse Community Experiences and community trauma.

The ACE|R framework was developed by Prevention Institute and Dr. Pinderhughes to understand and address Adverse Community Experiences. While the harmful impacts of individual trauma are increasingly being addressed, the ACE|R framework is the first of its kind to explore community trauma and set a foundation to address it.

The ACE|R report was developed with a grant from Kaiser Permanente Northern California. This webinar is presented by Prevention Institute, UNITY, and Making Connections for Mental Health and Well-Being, and supported by grants from Kaiser Permanente Northern California, the Movember Foundation, and the Langeloth Foundation.

Media Coverage of ACE|R Report

Read PI’s Adverse Community Experiences and Resilience report, which was recently featured in USA Today, California Healthline, and Becker’s Hospital CFO.

Learn about Mental Well-Being among Men and Boys

Read our detailed landscape report Making Connections for Mental Health and Well-Being among Men and Boys in the U.S., which informed the development of the Making Connections initiative.

Linking Community Violence Prevention and Early Childhood Development

Prevention Institute (PI) and the Center for the Study of Social Policy are working to advance policies that improve outcomes for vulnerable children and families by strengthening communities and making them safer. UNITY City Network representatives will join PI in Oakland in mid-April to focus on this intersection.

PI and CDC Connect the Dots on Preventing Violence

Co-developed by PI and CDC, this publication builds a case for practitioners to coordinate their efforts, increase their impact, and work toward preventing multiple forms of violence at once.

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