For immediate release: April 11, 2016
Media Contact: Jessica Berthold, Communications Manager, #510-444-7738, ext. 317
Serving patients’ needs outside of the office visit by ensuring that community environments are safe places to live, work, and play is a hallmark of Prevention Institute’s Community-Centered Health Homes model, which outlines a set of practices for healthcare institutions to improve community conditions that impact health outcomes. A CCHH not only acknowledges that factors outside the healthcare system affect patient health outcomes, it actively participates in improving them to achieve health equity.
“Ensuring that ‘comprehensive primary care’ includes a focus on improving communities is critical to improving health for all patients-- especially in low-wealth communities and communities of color,” said Ms. Mikkelsen.
Please go online to read more about Prevention Institute’s work with Community-Centered Health Homes.
Prevention Institute is an Oakland-based nonprofit that puts prevention and equity at the center of community health and well-being.