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Prevention Institute E-Alert: April 14, 2016

Preventing Violence by Engaging Planning, Other Sectors

Decisions about how land is used, by whom, and for what purposes hold immense potential to prevent violence before it occurs—yet land-use decisions are rarely made with violence prevention in mind. Sound urban planning and good design promote safety, health, and quality of life for all residents. This is done through careful consideration of where to build housing, parks and open space, and which businesses can operate on certain blocks, for example.

Our upcoming web conference will explore the nexus of land use and community safety, and offer strategies to engage planning, transportation, and related sectors in comprehensive, multi-sector efforts to prevent violence. 

Promoting Community Safety by Design: Engaging the Planning and Related Sectors to Prevent Violence

Thursday, April 21, 2016
1:00 pm-2:30 pm PT/ 4:00 PM-5:30 pm ET
Register here

Participants will learn about and discuss how to create safer communities through a deeper understanding of the intersection of place and safety. They will examine how land-use decisions affect the likelihood of violence; understand the role of planning and related sectors in promoting community safety; and explore strategies to engage planning and related sectors in preventing violence and enhancing community safety.

This web conference, sponsored by the Jacob and Valeria Langeloth Foundation, will draw on Prevention Institute’s report Community Safety by Design: Preventing Violence through Land Use, developed with support from The California Endowment.

Development without Displacement

Our PI brief shares key learnings from a recent summit in Los Angeles to discuss tools and strategies for supporting healthy community development without displacing current residents.

A Multi-Sector Approach to Preventing Violence

Preventing violence means engaging many sectors. Whether you’re just getting started or have already formed a strong coalition, check out our comprehensive guidebook that details the roles of multiple sectors in preventing violence and informs effective collaboration.

Violence and Physical Activity

PI was interviewed for an article in JAMA on exercise and gardening as tools to reduce community violence. The piece builds on learnings of our report linking violence prevention with physical activity and healthy living.

PI and CDC Connect the Dots on Preventing Violence

Co-developed by PI and CDC, this publication builds a case for practitioners to coordinate their efforts, increase their impact, and work toward preventing multiple forms of violence at once.

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