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Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute E-Alert: June 3, 2016

Last training in 2016 statewide Health Equity and Prevention series

We’ve spent the past six months traveling the state -- from conducting a leadership training with youth advocates in far-south Imperial County to developing community-based approaches to mental health in far-north Humboldt County. What we’ve seen gives us tremendous hope for our state’s future, and we’re excited for our next stop: Sacramento.

Prevention Institute’s Building Collaboration for Primary Prevention training is made possible with generous support from The California Endowment’s Health ExChange Academy. We invite you to join us (at no-cost) to explore action-oriented tools and practical strategies you can use to build effective, multi-sector collaboratives to improve community health, safety, and equity.

Ensuring a healthy future for all residents, and particularly for low-income communities and communities of color, requires collaboration across sectors. No one organization, agency, or sector can do it alone. But collaboration is not always easy. Who should be at the table? How do we move beyond information-sharing to developing joint strategies and achieving shared outcomes? How do we sustain collective approaches over time?

Join practitioners, advocates, and community leaders on June 15 in Sacramento to address these questions and learn more about cutting-edge work to establish effective multi-sector collaboration as a key strategy in community prevention efforts.

Building Collaboration for Primary Prevention training

•    Who: Youth, community-based organizations, planners, health department staff, housing and transportation professionals, and others engaged in community health and safety efforts
•    When: Wednesday, June 15th, from 11:30 – 4:30pm
•    Where: Curtis Hall - Sierra 2 Center, 2791 24th St, Sacramento, CA 95818
Registration is required
•    This training is free to all participants, and lunch is included.

Training Agenda:

  • 11:30pm – 12:30pm: Networking Lunch (provided)
  • 12:30 – 2:30: Fundamentals of a Cross-sectoral Approach to Primary Prevention
    This session will ground participants in the community and environmental factors that shape community well-being, and introduce comprehensive strategies to promote health, safety, and equity. Participants will discuss opportunities to engage multiple sectors, departments and agencies that are essential to advancing health and safety. 
  • 2:30 – 4:30: Building Strategies for Collective Partnership Across Fields
    Through community case studies, facilitated discussion, and interactive activities using Prevention Institute’s Collaboration Multiplier tool, participants will learn how to: build buy-in for shared work, make the best use of people’s time and collective efforts, develop action-oriented joint strategies, and sustain effective collaborations over time.

We look forwarding to seeing you there!

Clean Up Green Up: A victory for L.A., a model for the nation

This spring, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved a groundbreaking policy to reduce pollution in a set of low-income neighborhoods that have historically been toxic “hot spots.” PI’s Elva Yanez and Manal Aboelata discuss

We’re hiring!

Prevention Institute is seeking a director or manager to join our preventing violence team, a program assistant for programmatic and communications work, and an executive assistant to support our directors.

Communities promoting mental well-being

Prevention Institute and the Movember Foundation are partnering with 16 communities to pilot community-based approaches to improving the mental health and well-being of men and boys. Learn more about the work underway in these 16 communities here.

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Prevention Institute
221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org

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