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Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute E-Alert: June 8, 2016

Here’s how to oppose a bill that would weaken child nutrition programs

Every five years, Congress updates the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act, which authorizes all federal school meal and child nutrition programs. These programs play a critical role in reducing hunger, improving nutrition, and supporting learning and healthy development.

The House version of the Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill (H.R. 5003) threatens to undercut free lunches at schools serving low-income children and to lower nutrition standards. It also explores shifting from a federal funding model that ensures students in need receive free and reduced lunches, to a block grant model that would cut funding for school meals and limit the school meal programs’ ability to serve students in need. 

Advocates, school professionals, parents, and students are coming together to tell Congress that we need to protect child nutrition programs to ensure that no child goes hungry during the school day, and that all children have access to nutritious foods.

Our colleagues at California Food Policy Advocates, a member of the Strategic Alliance steering committee, have compiled everything you need to know to take a stand for child nutrition programs.

Here are four simple ways you can show your support today:

  1. Sign on to this letter opposing the three-state block grant of the school meal programs contained in H.R. 5003.
  2. Tweet at your Representative. Find Twitter handles here.
    • Sample tweet: Join @[your org twitter handle] & 1000s of orgs opposing school meal block grant. #stoptheblock #cnr2016 Sign statement today! bit.ly/1VA1C1u
  3. Call or send an e-mail to your local Representative.
  4. Share this alert with your colleagues and friends by clicking "Forward this email" at the bottom of this Message.

More Resources from California Food Policy Advocates

Learn more about food insecurity in your county through CFPA's County Profiles.
Learn more about student participation in the National School Lunch & School Breakfast Programs and the resulting fiscal impact on California's public school districts through CFPA's school meal analysis

Letter of opposition to House Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill, H.R. 5003

Read Prevention Institute’s letter to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, opposing H.R. 5003, the House version of the Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill.

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