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Prevention Institute E-Alert: June 29, 2016

PreventConnect webinar series explores links among various forms of violence, multi-sector prevention efforts, and social inclusion strategies

We know a good deal about how to prevent sexual and domestic violence (SDV) before it starts—by engaging communities, creating safe community environments, and working to change social norms to promote health, safety and equity. For more than 10 years, Prevention Institute and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) have convened a diverse array of prevention experts, advocates and practitioners to address the underlying contributors to sexual and domestic violence. Our ongoing webinar series, Beyond Partnerships: Shared Linkages for Prevention, explores the underlying contributors to SDV, linkages among SDV and other forms of violence, and related social justice movements. 

In two upcoming webinars, participants will engage in candid discussions around practice- and research-informed strategies and examples to prevent SDV.

What about Power and Patriarchy? Examining social cohesion and social inclusion strategies to prevent sexual and domestic violence
Wednesday, July 13th
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PST

Register here

Join us for a conversation where we will explore recent research on social cohesion, social inclusion, and SDV, and how a feminist power analysis can coexist with and strengthen social cohesion and social inclusion strategies to prevent SDV.

Using Shared Risk and Protective Factors to Prevent Sexual and Domestic Violence: Research into practice and policy
Wednesday, August 17th
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PST
Registration to open in July

Based on the report “Connecting the Dots: An overview of the links among multiple forms of violence,” we will explore partnerships across other forms of violence and multi-sector efforts that have integrated shared risk and protective factors for better outcomes.

You can download previous web conferences from this year’s series, where topics included moving beyond gender binary and heteronormative approaches to SDV prevention, and alliance-building between SDV prevention and other social justice movements.

To access the webinar archive and view upcoming webinars, click here.

PI and CDC connect the dots on preventing violence

Co-developed by PI and CDC, this publication builds a case for practitioners to coordinate efforts, increase their impact, and work toward preventing multiple forms of violence at once.

Preventing Multiple Forms of Violence: CDC’s strategic vision for connecting the dots

Different forms of violence are interconnected and often share the same risk and resilience factors. Understanding the overlapping causes of violence and the things that can protect people and communities can help us better prevent violence in all its forms. Informed by the “Connecting the Dots” report, this strategic vision describes the CDC Division of Violence Prevention’s 5-year vision and areas of strategic focus to help us understand, respond to, and ultimately prevent violence across the lifespan.

CDC report on best practices for preventing sexual violence

The CDC released a core set of strategies, based on the best available evidence, that engage multiple sectors to prevent sexual  violence, including creating protective environments and providing economic supports for women and girls. Read the full report here.

The Next Decade of PreventConnect: A video

PI’s Larry Cohen and Lisa Fujie Parks hosted the first PreventConnect web conference 10 years ago. In this video, they sit down with PreventConnect’s David Lee to discuss the growing linkages between the sexual and domestic violence prevention movement and other social justice movements—and they look ahead to the next 10 years of preventing sexual and domestic violence.

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