Members of Congress are now back home for summer recess and are eager to hear from you, their constituents, about the important work you do to promote health, safety, and equity in your communities. With federal budget negotiations still underway and the general election just around the corner, this is the ideal time – and an essential time – to share local prevention success stories.
We know that prevention works. This is substantiated by a recently published study of the federal Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) program, a three-year, $485 million community-based prevention initiative launched by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 50 communities across the nation in 2010. The study authors predict that, if initial short-term gains are sustained, the CPPW program could prevent 14,000 premature deaths, save $2.4 billion in healthcare costs, and avert $9.5 billion in lost productivity within one decade.
Policymakers want to hear from you. A common refrain from policymakers is that they want – and need – to hear from community prevention leaders and community members who are involved with prevention work. Policymakers are eager to learn more about and to champion prevention initiatives, but they need to hear directly from those engaged in and benefiting from this important work in their communities.
It is imperative that we take advantage of opportunities to connect with policymakers during key moments like August recess and share local success stories. Doing so will help advance the health and wellbeing of our families, our communities, and all people and communities across the country.
What you can do:
- Meet with your representatives or their staff. Find out who your Representatives and Senators are, visit their websites to obtain contact information for their in-district offices, and request a meeting. Tell them how prevention is working — and saving lives and money —where you live.
- Send a letter to your representatives using our simple online tool. Be sure to add a paragraph detailing community prevention success stories where you live so that your letter is tailored to the work happening locally.