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Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute E-Alert: Augst 5, 2016

Boys & Girls Club network, symposium to focus on kids’ safety during out-of-school time

The Boys & Girls Club of America (BGCA) will bring community stakeholders and experts together next week to kick off its new Safer Childhoods Network at an LA symposium, where Prevention Institute’s Jamecca Marshall will speak about tools for sustaining violence prevention efforts.

The August 10-11 symposium will focus on practical strategies to improve the emotional and physical safety of all children during out-of-school time. The new Safer Childhoods Network connects the BGCA with other youth-serving organizations and stakeholders, including experts from nonprofits, private entities, government agencies, and elected officials.

On August 10th at 1:30 pm, Jamecca will demonstrate how the Spectrum of Prevention tool can help practitioners develop comprehensive strategies to address the risk and resilience factors of violence. She will also speak about how the Collaboration Multiplier tool—initially designed for community violence prevention efforts—assists in maximizing the benefits and minimizing the barriers to multi-sector collaboration. 

Symposium participants will build a network of safety leaders and peers with whom they can collaborate on best practices to manage risks and keep children safe. Convening the Safer Childhoods Network symposium is the latest in many impressive efforts the BGCA has undertaken to strengthen child safety. For more than 150 years, the organization has enabled young people of greatest need to realize futures as productive, caring, and responsible citizens. 

PI looks forward to assisting BGCA in creating a shared framework for collective action that supports a public health and multi-sectoral approach to violence; focuses on common outcomes; and uses community trauma-informed approaches to prevent trauma, build resilience, and promote healing. 

The Spectrum of Prevention

PI’s signature tool, The Spectrum of Prevention, identifies multiple levels of intervention and encourages people to move beyond the idea that prevention is solely about teaching healthy behaviors.

Preventing community trauma and building resilience

PI’s Adverse Community Experiences and Resilience offers a groundbreaking framework to heal and prevent trauma at a community level, using strategies elicited from those living in the most affected areas.

PI featured in NBC TV Bay Area segment linking inequities and violence 

PI Board Member Howard Pinderhughes is featured in this NBC Bay Area TV segment about the growing opportunity gap in different parts of Oakland. The piece concludes by saying the City is taking a "public health approach to violence.

How multiple sectors prevent violence

For a comprehensive analysis of the roles of multiple sectors in addressing the risk and resilience factors for violence, and how these sectors can collaborate using our Collaboration Multiplier tool, read here.

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