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Prevention Institute E-Alert: August 19, 2016

Provide feedback on new framework for understanding health inequities and community change

How have policies, practices, and procedures across sectors generated inequities? Join us to discuss next steps related to Prevention Institute’s new working paper on advancing health equity.  The paper, Countering the Production of Health Inequities: An Emerging Systems Framework to Achieve an Equitable Culture of Health, details how inequities across multiple determinants of health have been produced, and identifies the roles multiple sectors and organizations can play in promoting equity. 

Commissioned by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), the paper identifies opportunities to produce health equity through change at the community level, supported by local/regional, state, national, and sectoral actions. 

We are currently refining the next steps in translating this framework into tools and products that will be most useful, and are seeking input through early September 2016. There are multiple ways to learn about the framework and provide input:

  1. Register for our live webinar on August 31. We will provide an overview of the framework and seek input on future products and next steps to advance the work.
  2. Visit our online page, where you can review an extended summary of the paper and the executive summary; listen to a recorded presentation on the key findings; and provide input via an online survey to identify opportunities to advance this work, and to translate the framework into messages, tools, and trainings.

To ensure our work is relevant, timely, and useful, we rely on the collective expertise of colleagues working in systems and communities to guide us. We warmly invite you to review the findings and framework, and to provide your input via the online survey on how best to tailor our work to help advance health equity. You may also forward this e-alert to others for their participation.

Webinar details are below:

Webinar: Countering the Production of Health Inequities: An Emerging Systems Framework to Achieve an Equitable Culture of Health

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

11:30 am - 1:00 pm PT/ 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm ET


This work is made possible by the support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

8/26 webinar: Engaging the community development sector

Join PI and the Center of the Study of Social Policy for an 8/26 webinar on how local communities are engaging the community development sector in advancing health equity. Register here

Four strategic opportunities to support healthy, equitable land use in Los Angeles and beyond 

The Healthy, Equitable, Active Land Use (HEALU) Network released Strategic Opportunities to Create a Healthy, Equitable Land Use System in Los Angeles, a new policy brief that outlines a menu of strategies to produce health equity through the land use system. 

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t 510-444-7738 | email: SA@preventioninstitute.org

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