** Pleae disregard preveious e-alert: The correct day of the injury and violence prevention briefing is Wednesday, Sept. 7. Correct information is below.**
On Wednesday, September 7, Prevention Institute's Sheila Savannah will tell Congress about the important work you do in your UNITY cities to prevent violence. For this national congressional briefing, Sheila will join colleagues from the Safe States Alliance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the University of Michigan Medical School to showcase policies and programs that have a proven track record for preventing violence and injuries.
Many times when people think about health and prevention, what comes to mind is disease. But we know that preventing violence and injury are equally important and achievable, and it's critical to bring that message before key leaders and decision-makers. Sheila will discuss the UNITY City Network and its successes, and talk about Prevention Institute's work in community trauma and resilience.
Please invite your DC-based colleagues and use our simple online tool to encourage your congressional representatives to attend the Injury and Violence Prevention Network’s annual briefing, sponsored in conjunction with Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI). As you know, violence and injuries – from motor vehicle crashes and prescription opioid drug overdoses to suicides and gun violence – are preventable, public health issues. Through violence and injury prevention efforts like UNITY, numerous lives and countless dollars are being saved. It’s time to let Congress know that injury and violence prevention work!
Congressional Briefing: It Works! Preventing Injuries and Violence
Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2016
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm EDT
1268 Rayburn Building (Gold Room)
RSVP to: Paul.Bonta@safestates.org
Refreshments will be provided
Speakers at the briefing will include:
- Amy Peeples, Deputy Director, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA
- Amy Bohnert, Associate Professor, University of Michigan Medical School, Department of Psychiatry
- Sheila Savannah, Director, Prevention Institute, Houston, TX
- Binne LeHew, Director, Office of Disability, Injury & Violence Prevention, Iowa Department of Health and President, Safe States Alliance
If you’re unable to attend, please follow us on Twitter at @preventioninst, starting at 2 pm EDT on September 7, as we live-tweet the briefing.