Please join Prevention Institute (PI) and the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) on January 25th for the first installment of the 2017 PreventConnect web conference series: Towards Community Health and Justice.
Communities play an essential role in preventing sexual and domestic violence before it starts—for example, by creating safe spaces, and by changing social norms to those that promote health, safety, and equity rather than norms that accept and even endorse violence. For more than a decade, PI and CALCASA have convened a community of practice to build and strengthen practitioners’ understanding of key primary prevention concepts, support organizations’ prevention efforts, and contribute to the overall prevention system.
Back to Basics and Moving Beyond: A Prevention Approach to Sexual and Domestic Violence
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
11:00am-12:30pm PT / 2:00pm-3:30pm ET
Register here
Jetta Bernier, Executive Director, Massachusetts Citizens for Children (MassKids)
Beverly Costa-Ciavola, Director, Cape Cod Neighborhood Support Coalition
This inaugural web conference, designed for those new to the practice of prevention or those looking for a refresher, will lay the foundation for the 2017 web series. It will cover the fundamentals of the public health approach to preventing violence, and will introduce PI’s THRIVE framework for identifying underlying contributors of sexual and domestic violence. Guests will highlight innovative practices that address THRIVE factors and discuss how to use PI’s Spectrum of Prevention to create comprehensive prevention strategies.
Throughout the 2017 series, a variety of guests will discuss the value of community-level sexual and domestic violence prevention, strategies and opportunities for partnering with other sectors and movements, and how sexual and domestic violence prevention relates to health equity and multiple forms of violence. They will identify tools and resources to assist in community efforts to prevent sexual and domestic violence, and build on conversations from the 2016 series. Visit for registration details.
Towards Community Health and Justice: 2017 PreventConnect web conference topics
Note: All PreventConnect web conferences are held at 2pm Eastern (1pm Central, noon Mountain, 11am Pacific) unless noted otherwise.
- January 25: Back to Basics and Moving Beyond: A Prevention Approach to Sexual and Domestic Violence
- February 15: Intertwined and Aligned: Supporting Health Equity and Justice in Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention
- March 15: How Do We Connect the Dots? Local Approaches to Preventing Multiple Forms of Violence
- May 31: Communities for All: Supporting Inclusion and Positive Gender Norms for Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention
- June 21: From Private to Community Accountability: Building Capacity to Make Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention a Community Responsibility
- July 19: Organizing for Economic Opportunity: Movements and Strategies to Improve Economic Opportunities for Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention
- August 16: A Safe Place to Call Home: Strategies and Movements to Transform the Physical/Built Environment for Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention
- September 20: From Research to Practice: Addressing Shared Underlying Factors to Prevent Sexual and Domestic Violence