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Prevention Institute

Prevention Institute E-Alert: March 30, 2017

Tell state lawmakers about your vision for the future, and what matters to you 

“California was not a part of this nation when its history began, but we are clearly now the keeper of its future.”

-CA Senate President pro Tem Kevin de León and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon 

Once a year, Californians from all over the state converge in Sacramento for ENACT Day and use the opportunity to speak up for healthier, safer, and more equitable communities. This year, more than ever, legislators are eager to hear from all of us about what we want for the future of California and what we expect from lawmakers in the legislature. 

There’s still time to register to represent your family, your school and your community at this year’s event, scheduled for May 1! 

You’ll have learn about bills moving through the legislature this session, get to practice skills for communicating  with policymakers, and speak with our legislators about your community’s health equity, nutrition, hunger, physical activity, parks and open space, water, and transportation priorities. 

We’re excited to announce this year’s legislative agenda, four bills that will increase access to free school meals for students enrolled in Medi-Cal; address hunger on college campuses by expanding access to CalFresh benefits; require state highway projects to adopt “complete streets” improvements to benefit all users, including pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, and people with disabilities; and set in motion a statewide parks bond to fund parks and recreational facilities in communities that lack fair access to well-maintained parks and open space. 

Through its 13-year history, ENACT Day has always been about coming together to put forward a positive vision of California's future. With fundamental issues – from healthcare access to immigrant rights; criminal justice reform; racism, xenophobia, and Islamophobia; climate change and environmental protection – at stake in California and in federal policy debates, we invite you to join us in sending a clear message to our policymakers about the issues that matter most to our communities. 

We have a shared responsibility to speak up on these issues and to stand together for a future that is fair, just, and bright for everyone who calls California home. We hope you can join us May 1

Monday, May 1, 2017

9:00AM to 4:00PM

St John's Lutheran Church

1701 L St, Sacramento, CA 95811

Register here! 

ENACT Day is FREE to all participants. Spanish interpretation will be provided. A limited number of travel scholarships are available this year – if you’re interested in receiving travel assistance, please apply by April 9. Registration closes April 17. 

ENACT Day is collaboratively co-organized by: California Food Policy Advocates, CA4Health, California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, California State University at Chico – Center for Healthy Communities, Public Health Advocates, Prevention Institute, Public Health Institute, and the Safe Routes to Schools National Partnership.

Announcing this year’s sponsored bills: 

- SB 5 (DeLeon) / AB 18 (Garcia): Start the ballot initiative process for a parks and natural resources bond that would direct funds to build parks in park-poor communities with a specific focus on equitable access. 

- SB 138 (McGuire): Streamline the enrollment process for free school meals for students covered by Medi-Cal. 

- AB 214 (Weber): Address hunger on college campuses by expanding CalFresh program eligibility. 

- SB 760 (Weiner): Require highway construction projects funded through the State Highway Operations Protection Program to adopt “Complete Streets” standards to make roads more walkable, bikable and accessible to all users. 

Register for ENACT Day 2017!

Join us for ENACT Day, Monday, May 1, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Sacramento. Register here!

Join the #ENACT2017 conversation on social media

If you’re unable to attend the event in person, you can still participate! We’ll keep you in the loop about upcoming advocacy opportunities. You can also follow #ENACT2017 on social media for updates. 

2017 Transportation Equity Summit on April 24

TransForm will host this year's Transportation Equity Summit in Sacramento on April 24. Join advocates, experts, state leaders, students, and community groups from across the state to focus on connecting state transportation funding to concrete goals that both fight climate change and promote social equity.

Visit our website: www.preventioninstitute.org
Prevention Institute
221 Oak Street
Oakland, CA 94607
t 510-444-7738 | email: prevent@preventioninstitute.org

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